Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Let's Hear It For The Boys! Page 6

By StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 501 Aired 5-22-05

Mr. MovieTrailerVoice: JT floats lost among the stars wondering if he’ll ever see Rage again.

Keenan Ivory Wayans: Message!

Justin is working on a storyboard and seems to get a message of some sort. Then he hears Rage’s voice and turns to see Conner in the Rage costume. Which, y’all? Seriously gay. It’s like stretchy silver lame’ that’s been taped to him and it’s a friggin onesie, and just, No. It even has the Rage lightening tear on the front so we can see his pecs, and he has a little mask on that showcase his freaky eyes.
Through my powers of deduction (which are almost always wrong) I assume that since Brian’s plane took an unfortunate layover in Mopeytown, this is to set up Justin into believing Conner is New Zealand’s answer to Brian. It’s just a hunch people, let’s see if it pans out.

Well, wrong again, because Brett comes in (looking the exact same horrible as yesterday only in a different color scheme) and informs the room that Fedderman has pulled the plug on the movie, which was facing budgetary and time constraints. Brett says he figures that it’s mostly fear, politics, and timing. Justin reminds Brett that there are millions of queers out there with billions of dollars and while that may be true, I doubt they’ll be lining up to see this movie. I mean, black people have money and look at what happened to The Meteor Man, I’m just sayin.
Then, in the most asinine line of the episode, Brett informs us that the studio is instead green lighting, “The Passion of Moses”. Yeah. SHUT UP Brett! And I know I should blame the writers and not Brett, but he agreed to say it so he gets blamed too. I just hate that because 1) the Passion of Moses was made already and it was called The Prince of Egypt, and 2) yes the fact that it was a gay movie had a lot to do with it, but the reason your film really wasn’t made is because it sucked! It sucked! Maybe it’s just me, but this whole movie thing has gotten on my nerves from the first mention so whatever.
Brett says, “Gay’s out, God in” and takes his leave.

What should the studio green light next?
·The Passion of Moses
·The Passion of the Passion of the Christ
·The Passion of Mel Gibson’s Crazy Catholic Calling (because we know that’s what it’s really about)
·The Passion of the Passion Fruit

Free polls from Pollhost.com

Munchers Marital Mess Menagerie
Mel’s still mad that Lins broke the ice, but she’s more upset because telling the others about their problems made them real. And my heart breaks a little, okay, a lot. Lindsey leaves.

Michael and Ben are walking with Monte and… gosh, what’s his name? I’ve known him for so long, and we were so properly introduced! Otis? Ardis? Eli! That’s it, Monte and Eli! They’re walking Devin and Andeen and that’s a multi culti family if I’ve ever seen one. Somewhere Mia Farrow is watching this and she is sooo pissed.
They stop in front of a fixer upper and I can’t tell if Ben is tan or angry. Homeboy is a little burnt sienna. He’s really oddly colored in this scene, not quite Jay Manuel, but still a little jarring. MontEli ask the boys if they’re sure they don’t want to move and Ben says that they decided to stay put, but Michael (of course) is all, “Let’s pack up our wagons and get er done!” Is Eli getting a percentage of the sale because he’s already copying down the realtor’s number? It’s probably his cousin.

Brian in Empty Babylon
We all know where this is going. Get out your checkbook and get on with it! Gale Harold goes for the Emmy in Best Male Lead in a Defiant, Gay Role category in a scene resplendent with music, glitter confetti, flashing lights, and hubris, but really? Yawn.

The good thing about this scene (besides being the last) is that it morphs into a Rage scene and I learn the word precipice. I like that word, the way it makes me lisp, precipice.

Well, Jerrod and I bid you adieu until the next ep! When: Justin comes home, Ted changes, Emmett’s on TV, and you’re humble recapper captures it all down on paper! And hopefully gets it to you by this weekend!

Stay tuned!

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