Monday, July 04, 2005

Screw Brandon to the Sticking Plate: QAF Recaplet 508 07/03/05

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 508 Aired 7-03-05

That's what I would have done at least, but Brian is a better man than I. Well, he's more of a man than I considering I'm a woman, but you get the idea. Brian "Easley" (blecch) won the boning bet and threw in a lot of really great one-liners in the process. Brandon, not quite as fugly as before I might add, accepted defeat defiatnly, but graciously. Brian has a lot of changes and revelations from friends that are finally speaking their minds and decides not to collect on his bet.

This episode ended up being about 15 shades brighter than I assumed and for that I am thankful, though I found myself making very odd decisions...

1. I too would have arrested Justin. I know, I know, but he took a political cause and used it to fight his personal vendetta which is not fair to the cause, nor advancing it in any way. It's has this "LOOK AT ME!" stench around it.

2. I sure wouldn't have helped that little punk move to the 19TH FLOOR of a gross apartment building with no elevators/kitchen/bathroom/standards. Didn't he make hella Hollywood money? What is this crap?

3. I would have given Justin the bed. I just wouldn't have helped him move it. And I would never visit. Not because it wouldn't be nice, but 19 flights? I would totally turn the lobby into a commons area.

Anyhow, as for the rest of the episode, Ben is still sad mopey dad. He finds a kid that said Hunter was moving somewhere warm (hmm, let's see? 17, No dad, no mom, used to be part of boy's group that he grew out of and now off to live on his own? He's so going to Santa Fe!) which leaves Ben cold until a heartwarming and obviously fake email saying Hunter's okay. Hopefully for Michael this means the "dry spell" is over.

Emmett thinks he has a stalker, but it ends up being Drew Boyd. Drew ran into some troubles and needs Emmetts support to help him Out.

Ted plays loyal side kick this week by acting as a sounding post for Brian, and as a revelation revealer for Emmett.

Deb yells a lot, but we get a good amount of Carl which has boded well for my immune system lately.

Justin's dad (who seriously looks like someone else, is that the same actor?) resurfaces in the War for Hate Prop 14, and has Justin arrested for being gay and outside. As I said I would have arrested him too, but only because I can't stand him. Sorry Petu! Heh heh Angie!

Mel looks more and more like a man everyday, and nearly hooks up with the tallest most weaveriffic woman in the world. Linds is sad because she really wanted her and Mel to be MeLinds again! I do too babe, don't give up just yet!

Overall it was a fun episode with only a few dry spots! I'm looking forward to recapping it, see you later this week!

Go to Recap: So That's What They Call a Family: QAF Recap 508 07-03-05


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I wouldn't visit someone on the 19th floor of a shithole apartment. Hell, I had friends on the 10th floor of an apartment without an elevator and would tell them, "I'll only visit if I can spend the whole weekend." (which was once, cause I didn't like them that much.) I don't understand. How expensive can Pittsburgh be? He can't avoid living in a place that makes a crackhouse look like Caesar's Palace.

7/04/2005 5:43 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

I keep thinking that the show is going to have Justin turn it into some masterpiece. It's just corny and stupid enough to happen!

7/05/2005 12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't understand why you can't stand Justin, he is too cute!!! specially those episodes in the 5º season

7/05/2005 6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would just like to say Drew and Emmett rock. They have had the best scenes of the season so far. They are so cute. Not as cute as my beloved Michael/Ben but close enough. I really hope Drew/Emmett end up together.

7/05/2005 3:13 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

Oh dear, I have so much back and forth about Justin in general and I think it will come out next week! I'll try to explain a little in the next recap.

I've never been a big fan of the Drew/Emmett relationship though it did give Emmett his hottest sex scene ever! When they were in the motel and Drew was just like, BANG BANG BANG!! all around the room?


You rule in ways unknown, we are so alike in our thoughts, I might have to use you for an upcoming recap!

ps. I found the boy that you will spend the rest of your life with, maybe not romantically, but you both are so rock on that you have to know each other! Email me!

7/05/2005 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wish I got this show. You've got me hooked. I just wish I could see it to form my own insights so that I could compare them to yours.

The recaps are really great.

7/06/2005 2:45 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

Thanks babe! You should try netflix, or maybe some people here can help you download some epis. Petu seems to be the authority on that matter, email me and I'll see if we can't set something up!

7/06/2005 3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cough, lucianlady, if you want some hot queer as folk action u should get soul seek, cough, but u didn't hear that from me/

7/06/2005 4:08 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...


7/06/2005 4:15 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

It is just dusty in here!

7/06/2005 4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks guys. I'll try your "ahem" suggestions.

7/07/2005 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry this took forever for me to post. First of all, Brandon has a weird face. I mean, he is okay looking and all, but it just kinda seems like he has no bone structure on the bottom half of his face (but maybe it is just me). I am glad that Brian didn't sleep with him, because it just seems like Brandon would of won in the end, I mean, he would of lost the bet, but still got fucked by Brian (and as much as he wanted to act like it was a chore, we all know he would of loved it). But I think their bet was stupid to begin with, so moving on. Second, who the fuck moves into a crappy apt. that doesn't even have a private bathroom. And didn't Justin say that he liked to cook (can't remember if that was real or a fiction I read), and then he moves into an apt. that doesn' even have a stove? Doesn't make sense. Also, I realized that I have this issue with Michael and Justin being friends. I mean, I know they worked on Rage together and bonded over that, but it just kinda weirds me out to see them so buddy buddy. Moving on. I was surprised at how happy I was that Drew was back. I mean, I thought he would be gone and forgotten, but here he is, and I love it. And finally, if a reconciliation is not in the works for MelLinds, I think Mel is going to have to break it down and say "We are basically roommates and we aren't getting back together", even though I have a feeling they will.
ljuser: sparkles_star

7/09/2005 6:56 PM  
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