Sunday, July 03, 2005

Take My Sunshine, PLEASE!: Qaf Recaplet 507 06-26-05

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 507 Aired 6-26-05

How can an episode have so much suck and so much awesomeness mixed together?

Possible Suck, but maybe not...,
Prop 14 - From the QAF Heteros Hate Homos Dept.
I just don't get this show sometimes, someone please tell me one of two things, 1) is Prop 14 just a state bill, or is the show saying it's national? 2) Is there real and actual legislation (like in real life) that mimics Prop 14? Is this an actual fight that's going on?

I need to know this before I form a solid opinion on the matter so any help would be greatly appreciated, please e-mail me.

The awesome:
Brian and Justin call it quits in some of the most character revealing, mind boggling, wonderful scenes in this show's history.

Brian squares off with "Brandon" (who I'm totally surprised they didn't name Ryan or some crap like that) and does some wonderful verbal acrobats that totally forces him to push his hypocrite button, but he does it so well that it works. That scene also gave me knew hope with the Brian character and much more to say about the future of Justin and Brian.

MeLinds, on the road to recovery.


Ted and Troy trying position #653 in the Kama Sutra Guide to Gay Sex

Emmett with Eyeliner.

Brian/Ben Death Stare Match

The Suck:
Lindsay's entire storyline. The whole thing.

Justin moving into Squalor Heights to "find" himself and his mother being a big ol hater about his relationship with Brian. Whatever Justin's Mom!

Ben's class being interrupted by politics and him allowing it without exploring proper parrallels, or even trying to control the class at all.

The Rest of Ted and Troy


Michael/Brian drama.

Punkish rockish version of You Are My Sunshine... nuff said.

Oddly, absolutely no Hunter made me very sad this ep.

I know there's more, but I'm going to cruise the message boards for some reactions. See you later in the week!

Go To Recap: Life of Brian: QAF Recap 507 06-26-05


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bitch wasn't meant for you, I just like going around saying "my name is elliot bitch!" and then laughing at them. Anyways, I'll probably be leaving coments here more often. MY VOICE SHALL ME HEARD! Lol, lemme stop with the drama. Brain and Justin's scene? Made me cry. I'm weak, it's true. He shpulda banged him, but the moment was purely sadness. Sigh, I thought the Bri/Mi fight was pimp. I wanted to see Brian smack the shit out of him tho, I dunno why. And is it me or did Justin look like a kid who wasa watching his parents argue on the top of the steps? Ben is sexy, and poty, which is good on him, but i'd still like it if he broke out into a flippy dance every now and then, just for the hell of it. Oh and Linds is getting on my nerves, Gus is cute, Mel is...well...she's okay, kinda like the hair and Justin is my sunshine, I'm sorry, but I can't hate him. aND at the end?? When they when they were maaaddd awkard with each other? I wanted to kick brian's ass. And then Brandon's, cause he's a whore. I called him Deerrrttaay sex toy or Scruffy Jesus, cause u kno he looks like it. Ted and other guy who I could give a fuck less about? God, why didn't he kill me before I could change the channel to this oriental show where they were doing "Anal cruntches" don't ask. I got scared anf flipped back in time to see Brian on Ted's cealing with Em, who I love.Um am I rambeling? I dunno, I tend to write aloy. Oh and BTW, Lats weak when Scruffy put his hands up when he was gettin' the Ill BJ from that guy when Brian was on the lift, was it me or was it kinda like a gay u got served? I mean, I could picture him saying "OOHHHH!!" and then this techno music comes on and Brian gets his man and they have a BJ contest, and they break dance? Or maybe that's just my twisted mind . LOL, anyways, you still kick ass!

6/27/2005 6:49 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

I love you so much right now...

and your twisted little mind!

Scruffy Jesus? Ha!

6/28/2005 12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried a lot with the episode. The final song is so suitable, it seems like it has been composed to this moment :(

The worst thing is I'm understand that Brian and Justin can't stay together, doesn't matter how much they love each other, they can't be happy together :(

6/28/2005 10:19 AM  
Blogger annamaria said...

I didn't see Justin's mom as being a hater at all! I thought after Justin said "That's not love, that's sacrifice" her facial expression and pointed "hmmm" showed that she doubted *Justin's* definition of love. Particularly since she pointed out all the ways that Brian is the opposite of evil Craig. I've felt that Jennifer has shown a lot more respect for Brian, and his relationship with Justin, since season four.

Other than that, I totally agree with you! Especially Emmett with eyeliner!

6/28/2005 11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) I'm almost positive that Prop 14 is supposed to be just a state bill.

2) There are similar legislations that are going out in various cities and states and have been ever since Bush was re-elected.

I agree that the Brian/Ben confrontation was very cool but I also liked the Brian/Michael drama. I love their friendship so it does make me wish for happier times but I think some of this stuff has been festering with them and really did need to get out in the open. In fact, as much as it was about B/J, it was also about B/M and past/current feelings between them IMO.

I thought the You Are My Sunshine remix was lame but that's mainly because (a) it's too bad!fic like and (b) it's a song that I associate with parents singing to their kids or kids singing at grade school performances.


6/28/2005 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Check this out...

From the interview Randy gave to The Advocate last June:

Interviewer: If your character was a real person, would you be his friend? Why or why not?

Harrison: It's difficult for me to imagine Justin as a real person. He's so thoroughly a character created for serial television that his behavior, though dramatically justified on Queer as Folk, would register as childish, self-obsessed and absurd if it were displaced into the reality I'm familiar with. How could I be friends with someone who has nervous breakdowns at spilled marinara sauce, assaults high school enemies with small firearms, and has been systematically and repeatedly betrayed, lied to, condescended to, and humilated by his boyfriend for four years?

Conversation between Jennifer and Justin in I think it was 507:

Jen: No. I guess not. I just wish that...I can't believe I'm actually hearing myself say this...

Justin: What?

Jen: That you and he could have somehow managed to work things out.

J: Me too.

Jen: I mean, it's not as if he repeatedly and systematically lied to you or abused you or betrayed you, like your father did to me.


6/28/2005 1:51 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

annamarie: I have lots to say about that scene and I'm really glad that Mike put up that quote because it really hits on what I want to talk about. I see what you're saying, but I think there's another side to look at. I'm glad we're in agreement about the eyeliner! ;-P

Mike: Thanks for that info about the legislation! Brian was just on it with the DRAMA today so I can't wait to write about that! You da man! That quote is hilarious! Thanks for putting it up!

6/28/2005 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i'm going to lose my mind.
i creeped on your site here via

there's no possible way i'm reading about this mysterious 507 episode everywhere...and not seen it lol.

what's going on!!11oneone. was episode 7 aired somewhere other than its air date of monday july 4th (showcase here in canada)?

please let me in on this before i go out of my mind.......


6/29/2005 1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Episode 507 was aired in USA last Sunday... :P

I'm from spain but I download it and I've seen it too.

6/29/2005 1:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i'm glad i haven't lost my mind then.

i didn't know we were a week behind the USA in airing!

where did you download it? i have limewire but i'm not getting any results for Episode 7


6/29/2005 7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use emule and bittorrent. If you want me to explain how to use or something, feel free to mail me or add me to messenger:

6/30/2005 12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go head on Justin!!!!It's weird how I'm now liking B/J as a "couple" more then I ever did when they were actually together. Or whatever they were supposed to be. I don't know because I try to pay as little attention to them as humanly possible. The moving out scene and all scenes after were just excellent.

I'm soooo darn proud of Justin and I'm loving him to pieces this season. Which is also strange because I usually am indifferent to Justin. He's a character that never really get his own thing going without it being all about Brian. He's older now and he's FINALLY standing up for what he wants. Once again I say.... Go head on Justin!!!! However, I ADORE Brian Kinney. He can do no wrong in my eyes. I'm such a hypocrite.

Someone said this at Moldy's site and it's so true: if Michael and Ben are truely concerned about Hunter and want to find him they could. Debbie lives with a freakin' detective for goodness sake! They don't have to drag Hunter home but they would at least know where he is.

The Brian/Michael fight was a long time coming. But it was just as much about B/M as it was about B/J. Brian is scared. EVERYBODY is changing around him and he's still stuck in the same place. Whether it's by choice I don't know. But Brian has been putting down Michael's relationship all season and it's time for it to stop. Notice he didn't give Mel/Linds this much grief. And Lynds is also one of Brian's best friends. Ben or Michael should have punched Brian. You don't just go barging into somebody else's house trying to start something. Brian knows good and well nobody brainwashed Justin into thinking about commitment. He's upset because Justin is finally starting to think about the future and think about what he REALLY wants. I have alot more to say but I'm going to stop now. LOL.

6/30/2005 7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i thought the thing about being sytematically lied to, betrayed, etc. was Jennifer being sarcastic and when she wasn't talking about Brian and Justin at all, I was like, wtf? He kinda *was*! I have wanted them to break up for so long, yet now that it's happening, I was like *sob*

7/02/2005 3:51 PM  

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