Monday, July 18, 2005

A Beautiful Thing: QAF Recap 509 07-10-05 Page 9

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 509 Aired 07-10-05

Always Have… Always Will (DANGIT!)

Apologies to everyone who is not a Brikey shipper (and not just sexual, but also friendship shippers). I try to keep my Brikey (and God I love that name) love under control, but this scene just shattered the glass ceiling. So come along with me as we enter into THE BEST SCENE EVER!

What’s the glam rock version of emo? Because that’s what this next scene is. You know every gay movie where the fresh out of the closet gay kid goes to his very first gay bar an is in shock at the fabulosity? That is the essence of this scene. There are tons of HDGBs! sweating up a storm, and slow motion, and glitter confetti and awe and wonder, and strobes, and streaming lights… and Brian. Looking over his creation that somehow feels incomplete. Brian glances behind him and looks at the entrance to see Michael walking in with a huge smile on his face. He sees Brian in the balcony and goes upstairs to meet him. Now I knew then that this was a dream, if not for the simple fact that we know at this moment Michael is getting plowed by Ben. But then we see Mikey walk up to the railing and Brian joins him, and for a minute, just a minute, I think it might be real. Let’s listen in shall we?

“I’m surprised to see you here!” Brian says. Mikey looks at Brian and says, “I want to ask you a question. Why did you apologize?” This is the point where every Brikey fan in the world screams, “Don’t mess it up Brian! I swear to God if you mess this up!” Brian says, “I guess I missed you.” And we all cringe because that’s a Brian answer, but is it too much of a Brian answer? We all breath a sigh of relief as Mikey cracks a huge smile. Michael asks Brian if he still love him, and Brian says (as we all die and crumble into a million pieces), “Always have, always will.” SWOON! I’m sorry y’all, I know, I know, I know, but if that didn’t tug at your heartstrings!

Then Michael’s mouth opens and mouths, “So do I”, but it’s Ted’s voice and this is the point where I’m a bit mad at the show, but I knew this was happening so I’m okay. The techno music comes in and wee see it is Ted. He says that Brian looked like he needed a friend to talk to and so did he. Sigh, Brian realizes that he’s just a bit crazy with the hallucinations, and goes back to being regular old Brian and asks Ted if there’s a hotline for that. Ted says that in a pinch Brian will do and then proceeds to tell him that his stupid date was a bust.

Let’s go back to Michael and Brian for a bit (shut up!). They seem to have grown apart, but I don’t think that’s true at all. I mean, nobody knows Brian better that Mikey and vice versa, they are each other’s yin and yang I think. I believe that once they got over the hurdle of realizing that they weren’t going to be together, they thought they were going to be okay. What they didn’t see coming was that they never really got over that hurdle. They never really accepted the fact that they weren’t going to be roommates forever who had sex with other people but ultimately loved each other, that there were going to be other people in their lives that they loved just a much, if not more in certain ways. It’s a very selfish relationship between the two and we’ve been made to see Michael as the obsessive one, but really, Brian is the same way. I think once they come to terms with the fact that they don’t have to be with each other all the time to still love each other, they’ll be fine, it’s just getting them there.

I mean, think about it, when Mikey left Brian lost a part of him, that’s not so hard to believe. He should be begging Michael to baby please comeback because they belong together. Who is Mikey going to lean on when times get rough, who’s going to talk to Brian on the phone till the sun comes up, WHO’s going to take their places, there ain’t nobody else, no y’all, they belong togetheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr! Sorry about that, I’ve been wearing out my Mariah Carey album, cop that yo! You won’t regret it!

Anyhow, back to Ted and Brian (remember them?), Brian asks what went wrong and Ted says that he didn’t make the cut (ba dum ba). Brian says that Ted will live and Teddy praises Brian way with words. This elicits a giggle out of Brian. Ted offers to get Brian a drink, and Brian accepts telling Teddy to get one of those girlie things he likes so much, on him. Ted thanks Brian, and Brian says, “Anytime, for a friend?” Ted smiles and hits Brian’s shoulder a couple of times before leaving. This made me smile because Ted never nodded, just kind of hit Bri and left like, “Please let Brikey get back together, otherwise I’ll have to be friends with BRIAN! Ewwww.” Heh.

Teddy leaves and we go back to the soft somber music of emotional devastation. One thing to note is that there’s this guy behind Brian who is dancing with someone. He’s jumping up and down, but he has one leg in front of him and the other behind him, and he’s hopping back and forth, it looks like he’s doing double dutch and I wonder about his childhood. Ahh well, we end with a shot of our HDGBs! dancing it up and glitter confetti as the music takes us into the credits.

Next on QAF!

Recap 510 will consist of a Sticky Keystone Production. She will pull out all the stops to convey the drama of the episode.

There’s an EXPLOSION!!

But where?

Someone gets hurt!

But who?

This show still has tons of viewers!

But why?

Find out, in recap 510…

510 will be a little delayed since I want to get back on track with 511, but it will be out and soon! Thanks so much for your patience and for still reading! I love all of y’all!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great recap. I wish I could go back through it all and quote things but unfortunately I'm running short on time. I really did love that last scene too even though it made me feel bad that it was just a dream. Check out the look on Brian's face in between when he says always have and always will. He looks so sad and lost in that moment. It flashed me back to 112 and how lost he was w/o Michael then too. I think you put it perfectly when you said: They never really accepted the fact that they weren’t going to be roommates forever who had sex with other people but ultimately loved each other, that there were going to be other people in their lives that they loved just a much, if not more in certain ways. But also when you refered to them not being able to replace each other. Like if Ben were to get sick again or something to happen with Justin again, I just don't think that Em or Ted or anyone else could be there for Brian or Michael to lean on in the same way that they could for each other.

(The sex scene in the beginning was great...I especially liked the part where Michael reaches back and pulls Ben in for a kiss.)

7/26/2005 3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, P.S. That was Mike.

7/26/2005 3:15 PM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

I was wondering whose insightful comments those were! Thanks babe, I always love hearing from you.

The MiBen scene at the beginning was great, I wish I could have described it more, but this is a family show...

wait a minute!

7/26/2005 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian says "It's been a long time since I've fucked an artsy type".

The critic is saying "Warhol's it" Andy Warhol is the only good artist to ever come out of Pittsburgh.

Judaism actually does not have a big problem with homosexuality. They're one of the most accepting major religions in that regard. Many rabbis will perform gay weddings (here in MA), and commitment ceremonies.

And for what it's worth, I really enjoyed this recap. Got it from the QAF LJ community. Thanks!

~Jamie (resident Jew/dork)

7/30/2005 11:12 AM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

Fank you darlink! For all the info, especially the Judaic outlook on homoseucality. I wasn't really sure. I'll have to research that more because I'm very interested as to why that is.

And for what it's worth...

I'm so glad you appreciate the recaps and thought enough to comment. It means a lot to me to hear any feedback (unless it's bad or unfavorable in any way, heh)!

Please enjoy the classic recaps, and stick around for the new ones (which are coming I swear!)

7/30/2005 11:57 AM  

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