Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 8

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

MiBen’s Mini-Maze of a Mans
Mel goes over the list of things she brought for JR including a blanket. Michael says they have a blanket, but Mel insists they use the one she bought. JR has slept with it every night since she was born. Turns out it was an antique that Linds bought for her. Umm, okay? Thanks for all that useless info, it’s not like I was trying to remember anything important. Mel is wearing a gorgeous black jacket with yellow stripes down the sleeves. Stripes are another thing that can be added to my list of awesome inanimate objects. Mel is prattling down the list of stuff to do and is really hesitant to hand JR over. Finally she does and JR starts to fuss a little bit. It really is heartbreaking. Just hearing a baby cry in general, but for it to be your baby has got to just kill. I went to go see Mr. & Mrs. Smith (which, totally frickin awesome!) and someone had their baby in there and of course the baby started to cry. The woman was really upset about it, but I think that had more to do with people cussing her out and telling her to take her baby outside before they beat her down. This was in a white theater too. Rocked my world.

Babylon f. Botton Boy and Buttman!
We open on chaos at Babylon! There are lights and badly dancing superheroes and of course our lovely H!DGB. They are doing it up and everyone is having fun, fun, fun, everyone that is except one Mr. Brian Kinney. He’s standing on the balcony and surveying the area for the Zephyr to his Rage. Mikey, however, is nowhere to be found. You know, as much as I bag on the closed captioners, they are really doing their job when it comes to the music lyrics. I can’t understand half of what the lady in the background is saying, but the captioners are getting every word! The thing that sucks is that most times they’ve captioned the music instead of the dialog, and really with lyrics like “The bass is thumpa thumpa! This joint is thumpa thumpa!” you have to wonder, why? Ah well, the thumpa thumpa of Babylon carries us to the thumpa thumpa of Mel’s heart. At least it would, but Mel’s heart is broken. You know, there’s got to come a time when you accept that things are not going to change in the near future. If Mel had any tact or patience, and Michael had any sense, and Linds would just get her hair cut, none of this would have ever happened. Mel’s not thinking about that now (well, she’s probably thinking about Linds’ hair, just to add to the pain), she’s sitting alone, crying and thinking about her baby girl. It really is cruel to take a baby from its mother so quickly, but once again, it was totally preventable, and it’s not like she’s never going to see the kid again, but I still feel for Mel. I can’t imagine anyone ever doing that to me.

We do a quick cut from Melanie back to Babylon, and then to a cutie shot of JR wide awake in her crib. That kid ain’t going down anytime soon! Ben looks at JR adorably, and Michael gives a little wave and has this look on his face that’s supposed to be happiness and relief, but it comes off a little, “So… what next?” It’s really cute. We cut back to Brian getting pissed (both ways) at the bar and Justin looks at him sympathetically. “He might still come?” Justin offers, and it seems a little snotty, a little “told you so”-ish. I don’t know if that was intentional or not, and I can’t decide what to think about it. I either like Justin a little bit, or dislike Randy a lot. Brian says to eff him, there will be more superheroes for them. They start dancing and we end on a club shot full of people dancing. Whoever was casting the extras for this needs to be reprimanded. It looks like Kevin James and Anwar Robinson are doing the gayest Macarena ever. What a fitting ending to this ep.

Next Week on QAF:
Brian has an STD, or DOES he!?
Hunter will not be forced out of his school, or WILL he!?
Rosietta loves Deb, but does Deb want to lick her icing spoon?!
JR is sick and in the hospital during Michael’s time.
Linds rocks the Carrie Underhair and make a big decision!

We end with an HIV/AIDS Common PSA. I hate this PSA, it’s so beyond wack. I just want to run over both of the people holding pinkies and riding bikes. I love Common though. Knowing is beautiful and so is Common, but only with a hat.

Big shout-out to Jewel over at Openly Clay! And whoever linked me at, thanks! Email me so I can give proper credit!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petu's here. I've only read half of the recap because it takes me so long time (it's difficult to read so much english! xD) and I REALLY have to study even though I don't want to!!

I'll comment about more things later, but I want to say some things now :P

- Probably I misunderstood but have you said that we've never seen Ben and Brian fucking? because we did! I did and I remember that reeeeeally well. It was so hooooot :)___

- thanks for naming me! I'm glad you're a little more Bristin ^^

now... studing neuronal nets and later I'll finish to read the recap!!!

6/12/2005 11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petu again, this time after the fucking exam :(

I love your thoughts about Ben. I think he is funnier if you see him in that way xDDDD

What a shirt! Brian, what happened to you? I think the drunk writters want us to see Brian as ugly as they can this season. Because Brian's hair is only better than Lindsay's, but that's not a good thing.

But I love how Justin can face Brian too, soooo cute, and he is the only person that Brian allows to do it.

Ben knews what a sling was! Jajaja. So funny. And I don't know why Mike is so upset, because he knows brian and what will happen if he give a dinner whith him and those stupid gays as blazes.

mmm I have to go now! I love it! 3 pages left! I'll enjoy them later

6/13/2005 5:22 AM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

I got your message about Ben and Brian, it's on my Netflix Queue as we speak, all I have to do is send back the first season of ANTM... sigh.

The Ben/sling thing is what cracked me up the most. And no one else seemed to notice! So funny, I'm really loving Ben this season!

6/13/2005 5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few things. :)

1) The Four Weeks-Four Years thing is really kind of weird but I suspect Justin is counting from their first (supposedly) one night stand whereas Brian's counting from when Justin got back. Realistically, they've sort of been unofficially together, on and off, for around three years but it's hard to tell because CowLip's continuity is PAINFULLY broken.

2) You have the most interesting take on the sling scene ever. I love it.

3) I love these recaps in general; the lack of bias is really refreshing.

4) Also, you're just incredibly funny.

6/13/2005 6:23 AM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

Thanks for the kind words! But who are you?!

Hee! I'm just being nosy, but you can remain anon if you'd like, or email me. Thanks again for commenting.

I try to keep my biases under control, or at least let you know about them before hand, that way everyone can enjoy the read.

Well, that, and the fact that I'm indecisive.

6/13/2005 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm sorry... but what's a bias? :$:$ (my dictionary doesn't help me)


6/13/2005 11:26 AM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

It's when you make a decision solely based on your predetermined likes or dislikes, without any regard to outside info.

Like, if you ask me if Coke is good, I will say no, that Pepsi is better. This may or may not be true, but I'm a Pepsi enthusiast so it will be true regardless of the actual facts to me.

Got it?

6/13/2005 11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Petu->yes! I got it! thanks

I've finish to read the recap and I have to say you are really really funny xD. I don't like the lasts episodes very much, but when I read about them, I laugh :P

I agree with you about Gale Harold being interviewed. It's unbearable. I try to see it thinking that he is hot, but he is reeeeally boring. Mmmm, I would fuck him anyway :)___

6/13/2005 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Don't know if you'll be able to tell I left a new comment since it's on a slightly older episode but I'm just getting caught up on your recaps. They are hilarious and I really look forward to reading them. One little correction though, Ted having his foreskin means he most likely isn't jewish because they're the ones who have the bris. Other than that, keep up the great work!


6/23/2005 6:20 AM  
Blogger StickyKeys said...

I always thought it was the other way around for some reason.

So is Ted Jewish? I always thought he was because he's always throwing around Yiddish. Maybe his dad was Jewish?

Ahh I don't know!

Thanks so much for the kind words, and the heads up on Ted!

6/23/2005 6:33 AM  

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