Monday, June 13, 2005

Act UGLY!: QAF Recaplet 505 06-12-05

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 505 Aired 6-12-05

STD’s and the Gays They Play

Everyone’s at risk this episode as we take a heartfelt look at the role STD’s play in our boys’ lives. From Brian’s hilarious frankness about his newfound syphilis, to Emmett’s excursions catching up with him, to Hunter’s heartfelt battle with the Hatemongering Heteros.

We embark on what I believe is the BEST EPISODE EVER. Things go topsy-turvy crazy!

Brian doesn’t have sex for 48 hours! He does manage to get Justin riled up though and it seems a crossroads has been reached in their Emmett christened “non-relationship”. Methinks, QAF has a new hire by way of the Reverse Psychology Fairy in regards to their relationship, but I’ll expand more on that in the recap.

Ted looks exactly the same only shinier and more wide-eyed! But he thinks he looks hott, and that’s worth the endless hours and pain he invested in the Emperor’s New Clothes.

Daphne is ALIVE! And evidently Justin has talked to her in a month either because he’s corralled her into babysitting for JR. I seriously need to tap into that boy’s convincing skills. Just seeing Daphne’s enough for me, though she seems to be completely clueless about anything having to do with Justin and Brian.

Rosie is in love with Deb. Yeah, but Deb doesn’t want to dive into a muff. Sigh.

Hunter completely surprises me by setting up residence in my heart. I’m sorry y’all, I’m completely in love with him now. I tried everything to stop it, but to no avail. He had great, well-delivered lines, and even had the nerve to look hott in a scene. It’s a weird time for me.

Because not only did I love Hunter this ep, but I completely hated Mel (no really, how did that happen?). In the best scene ever, JR gets sick while on Michael’s watch and Melanie, him, and Ben play the dozens in the hospital waiting room. Okay, no one actually says, “Yo’ MAMA!”, but they didn’t need to, the context was there.

Again Emmett gets no love in this ep, but he might have gotten and STD.

Ben is SEXY FINE! Well. I guess not everything was completely turned on its head this ep.

All in all, your humble recapper had a great time this ep and can’t wait to jump into the recap. Until then she’ll be thanking her lucky stars she’s a virgin and- oh, wait my phone’s ringing,

Hello? Uh huh, hey can I call you back? I’m kind of in the middle of a recap… What do you mean that night at the beach? That was months ago!… But you used your finger! Uhh, hold on!

Yeah, gotta go you guys, see you in the recap!

Go To Recap: Let's All Stop Thinking of Ourselves

Episode Grade 505

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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 1

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

This week's episode is rated: TV-MA DLS: GL, N, AC, SC. Let's see, TV with Men Acting Dickish w/ Lots of Sucking: f. Grating Lesbians, Narcissism, Abundant Cockiness, and Sexual Congress. Now that's the QAF I know and love. Bring it on!

But first,

a moment with Scott Lowell. We automatically know it's going to be a downer because Scott is sad, there's piano music in the background, and it's all very morose. It's about HIV/AIDS, and that's a topic that always gets me riled up. It's one of those things that's a living, breathing battle between desires and responsibility. You would think the answer would be so simple, start using condoms, stop having anonymous sex, but it's not at all. Not because the answers aren't there, but because people are going to do what they want to do, so the toll gets higher and higher. Scott says by 2020 the death toll could be 100,000,000. That's ridiculous! And it's something that could be prevented, but it won't. This is making me tear up just thinking about it so let's move on. For more HIV/AIDS related info, go to

Previously on QAF:

Everyone deserted Babylon, then came back.

Debbie left the diner and hired Rosietta to replace her.

Ted is getting snipped and clipped.

The lawyers work out custody arrangements for JR.

Credits: You already (spinny) know what (guy) I'm going (writhing) to say (hands), so I'm (Ben!) not even going to say it. Except this, GET IT BEN!

Brian's Loft of Lustful Lovin

"Reach out and touch me!" wails Marilyn Manson as we open on a pretty nifty looking sex scene. I would comment on the wrongness of using Personal Jesus as a sex song, but it's the Marilyn Manson poser de rigueur version, and it's gay sex so really it's so wrong that it works here in a "how many hells can we aspire for?" way. Anyway, it looks like two separate shots overlapped on each other so there are feet and legs where there are heads and it's very odd because there are like four people, but they're both Justin and Brian. It's very artsy fartsy and cool. At least, that's what I thought was going on, but it turns out it's just a big ol orgy. There was a lot of wondering about the placement of this scene right after the AIDS thing, and I think we are to assume that they are protected so it's okay, but it's still a little off-putting. This scene is ultra long, but kind of sexy... ish.

Finally they end, but freakin’ Chatty (the one on the bottom) and his man Cathy (the one being held) won’t shut up. They’re talking about Italy and how gorgeous it is. It reminds me of that scene in The Talented Mr. Ripley where Matt Damon is talking to Philip Seymour and he says, “I haven’t seen Dickey. I think he’s having dinner at Otellos, on delle Croce, just off the Corso”, and Philip Seymour is all “Bitch please, I am the Corso, okay?” So basically, Shut Up Chatty Cathy! We just got done bumpin uglies and now I’m tired and hungry. Go make me a sandwich! I have no idea what I’m talking about.

Anyhow, they’re all in bed and Brian and Justin are wrapped up tight, (because though I haven’t had it, I’m sure after sweaty hot sex the thing you most want to do is swaddle a sheet around your privates) and are passing the duchy on the left-hand side. Chatty Cathy say that Italia is the most beautiful place, not to mention the men. Brian encourages them to mention the men. Cathy asks if there is any Italian with a cock less than 8 inches, and I’ve been told by others that there are some sites that would answer no, but according to those sites, all Italian men are horny, gay, and ready to do whatever I tell them to. If I ever went on said sites. Moving on.

Chatty asks how long Brian and Justin have been together. Brian replies 4 weeks, and Justin says 4 years. Okay, help me out here. Has Justin been back for 4 weeks? Is that what Brian is referring to? Because in actuality, they’ve only been “together” for about 2 years, and even then it’s been on and off. Let’s see if I remember this correctly. Justin moved in after leaving his parent’s house, and he thought that him and Brian were boyfriends. Justin wasn’t getting the romance he wanted so he started to cheat on Brian with the Ethan the violinist. That ends, and they get back together and try monogamy, but it fails. Brian’s the one who can’t take it and they agree to be open with no kissing, and nobody more than once. Justin leaves Brian again for something or the other, I think it was during Brian’s cancer spell when he kept lying to him about trips to Vermont and Ibiza, but Justin came back when he found out Bri was sick. They were about to move in together again when Justin got called off to LA and now they are together for real. So all in all, not that much time as a couple. If you took the average of the two time spans, I think you’d hit the right amount.

Chatty Cathy tell them they need to get their stories straight. Justin looks bloated and says it's complicated and looking back at the above paragraph, I'd have to agree. Chatty Cathy thank Capt. Obvious Jr for that wealth of new and exciting information. Justin quickly changes the subject and asks how long Chatty Cathy have been together. Sticky Keys has a better question; why are you still here?! Cathy says 10 years and Justin is definitely impressed. Y'all, 10 years ago Justin was 11! How freaky is that? I'd also like to point out that 10 years seems to be the homosexual mating mark in this show. MeLinds, MontEli, and now Chatty Cathy, all 10 years. I guess if you have a system that works. Justin wants to know how they do it, but Brian isn't sure he wants to know until Chatty Cathy respond with, "Communication, honesty, respect, and a lot of fucking around." They expand saying "The couple that plays together, stays together." Brian agrees and says nothing kills marriage faster than monogamy. Actually, I think it's the lack of monogamy that kills marriage, but I'm just splitting hairs here. Chatty Cathy agree that monogamy is for dummies, they tried it for about six months but one of them couldn't handle it. Cathy caught Chatty cheating on him with a neighbor and thought it was hot so he joined them. Not that I read Meatmen, but if I did, this scene would totally remind me of a comic in there that was exactly that. Only it involved a hot painter, and a horny guy that got left at home alone when his husband went to go visit his mother or so he thought. Let's just say that the husband comes home early and chaos ensues! Or at least it would have, if I had read it.

Brian blahs about, I don't know, hung lemmings masturbating in the ocean and really if this is all to say that Brian doesn't like monogamy, then you know what writers? We got it 3 years ago, when Brian said, "I don't like monogamy." But thanks for the reminder.

Expo Fairy: Uhh, you need to chill, I"m just doing my job okay?!

Sticky Keys: Don't you have some vacation or sick leave you need to use up?

Chatty Cathy want to hook up with JustBri again, but Brian tells them about their "no repeats" rule. Brian's feeling lenient though, and decides to make an exception since there are two of them. I would tell them okay as long as next time they brought muzzles.

Next Page

Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 2

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Mel’s House in the Middle of Her Street
Melanie is opening a letter and by the look on her face, I’m guessing it’s the letter outlining custody arrangements for JR. She looks sad, but is smokin’ hot in a Diesel shirt that shows her nicely tanned shoulders. Wardrobe is really doing it up for Mel, I’m happy about that. We cut to Lindsay receiving the letter and being very happy about it, and then to MiBen’s house where Michael is reading his letter. Ben is trying to put together a crib and claims he is but a lowly writer-professor, and not an MIT graduate. Writer-Professor? Aren’t we a little ahead of ourselves Professor Onebook Doesn’tseemtoaveajob? You know on Martin, there was always this running joke that Tommie didn’t have a job because no one ever saw him working. He talked about it all the time, but it just seemed fake. That’s what Ben is to me, the new Tommie. Ben starts cussing at the crib and Michael tells him he’s going to have to watch that potty mouth of his since the state of Pennsylvanada has granted Michael 1/3rd custody of JR.

Michael is still a little peeved that he couldn’t get more time and blames Brian, but Ben tells him that it’s not Brian’s fault and that Linds is the mother too. I didn’t really understand Ben’s position here. His allegiances are all over the place and at first I wasn’t sure what to think about that, but I came to a very interesting conclusion about Ben’s role. He doesn’t care. At all. He’s just there for the ride and he could give two craps about JR and the Lesbians, but he knows that if he doesn’t include himself in the mix, he’ll be forgotten. So he’ll throw in something here or there to make it seem like he’s actually thought about the situation when really he hasn’t and doesn’t want to. If that’s the case, then I love Ben more than I’ve ever loved anyone. It makes his character much more fun to watch if you look at it that way. The 2nd alternative is that he’s writing another book about this and will add it to the stellar QAF fiction series. I really hope it’s the first one.

Michael moans about having to split the baby three ways and Robert Gant reaches deep inside his acting bag with a priceless “shocked” expression. It’s really hilarious because it’s kind of out of nowhere. Like he said to himself, “Oh, Michael said something that he’s upset about, how should I look? Shocked? Let’s tried shocked.” Then you can see that he knows he went a little too far (I can’t tell if it’s Robert or Ben who makes this discovery) so he reels it in and says that as long as JR is cared for and loved it will be all right. This further supports my theory that he’s only half listening and I love it. He then changes subjects and would like Michael to help him build the crib before he goes crazy. Professor Ben looks crazy hot right now. Just thought I’d throw that out there.

Another thing of note in this scene is that Mel is upset with Michael, which is totally justified. Michael is upset with Linds, which is sort of justified. But Linds is not upset with her hairdresser, and that’s completely unjustified. I think Linds needs to rethink her loyalties.

Deb’s House of Unfettered Dinners
Deb is acting like she’s at the diner again and serving Horvath. She’s wearing an apron that says “I keep the best snacks under my apron” Oh clothing line of hilarity, where do you rest your head? Horvath wants Deb to stop waiting on him and pulls her onto his lap. He tells her if she doesn’t stop he won’t leave her a tip. She says it’s too bad because she’s expecting a big one tonight. Carl informs her that she’s getting more than just the tip. Sticky Keys smiles and throws up a little in her mouth. See what I mean? It’s cute and adorable and oh so fine, but it’s grody and disgusting too. It’s grute! Carl says the more he’s around her, the more he can’t keep his hands off of her. I’m guessing that he means off of her mouth, but he doesn’t come right out and say that. Instead he asks her if she’s bored with not working. Deb assures him that things couldn’t be better and she’s happy to finally have her life to herself.

Carl asks her what’s on the agenda for the day and Deb responds with a matinee, a Pinter play, and a little Mahler. Carl is confused (he probably thinks Mahler is a fish, it sounds like a fish), but Deb is happy that Liberty Ave has turned him into a sex freak and not a show tune queen. This leads me to believe that Liberty Ave is not only not doing its job, but it’s deficient. Every gay avenue should have the ability to turn you into a sex freak and a show tune queen. I personally believe it should be one of the requirements before you get listed as an actual street, how else are the gays going to know where to move?

Deb says she’s going to go buy some pajamas because hers keep going missing. Horvath confirms that he took them and Deb suspects jokingly that Carl has a little J. Edgar Hoover action going on. Carl says he just thinks she’s sexier without them, and while I agree that most people are sexier when naked, Deb? Deb informs Carl that his stealing her nighties is a bad case of Grand Theft Pajamas and she could have him arrested, but instead, she wants him to work it off. Grute!

Kinetic. Just… Kinetic
Brian is setting out some ads that look like their for the International Male swim line, but something tells me he’s still working on the Blue Rooster Chicken chain ad. Ted comes in and informs Brian that he stayed up until 1am working on some reports. It would seem he finished a week’s worth of work and was just, you know, wondering if, maybe… he could have some time off. This cracks me up because Brian’s face is just cringing during all of this. Like it’s an embarrassment to him. Brian guesses what the time is for and finally Ted says that he’s getting a small medical procedure done. Brian asks if Ted is finally getting that penile enlargement. I don’t know why, but that made me smile. Ted tells him no and when Brian asks when he’ll be leaving, Ted says the next day. My problem with this is shouldn’t Ted have given Brian some notice? Isn’t there a vacation request form that he needs to fill out? And since when has it taken only 10 days to recover from plastic surgery? Plastic surgery, you say? Why yes. Ted is having some work done. Well, actually, a whole butt load of work, including his butt.

Brian wants to know what Ted’s having done and Ted obliges after much hassling. I would tell you everything he says, but my closed captioning is acting all wonky; according to it he’s getting “bow dift, dfhek##$$@ 122 plasty quoo”. I’m guessing that’s not correct, but in this day and age I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Basically it amounts to a brow lift and liposuction. Brian laments on the price of beauty and Ted elaborates that while it ain’t cheap, he’s getting a heck of a deal because they’re sucking his chin out for free. I just saw this Ford truck commercial and this Home Dept box kept falling in the back. The whole point was that if you buy a truck, you get some free package from the Home Depot. It’s just really odd, because if I want a car, I’ll get a car, but if I want a grill, I’ll just go buy a grill. That’s what this reminds me of because while the option of having Ted’s chin sucked out for free is nice, it’s not really what he signed up for, and what’s wrong with his chin? I happen to like Ted’s chin, but I digress.

Brian goes on this long tirade about whatever, and says he thinks Ted is making a big mistake, “not getting that penile enlargement.” Heh, maybe it’s the word penile, and the fact that I’m 12, but that was cute. Another mention, Gale Harold has way to many lines in this ep. I don’t know if this is the Emmy ep, but I need him to stick to one-line zingers, and looking hot.

Mel’s House of PAIN!
Justin is holding little JR and gushing about her adorableness, and I agree, that is a pretty baby! Justin asks if he can take her home and Melanie (still wearing that wicked awesome Diesel shirt) says, “Sure, why not? Everyone else is.” Linds comes in and stops short. She didn’t realize Mel had a guest and Mel says that Justin's not a guest. Apparently Linds is and Melanie insists she start ringing the bell. To be fair, she did ring the bell, and whose house is this? That’s something that’s confused me about this set up. I remember when they bought this house, but I don’t remember if it was just in Melanie’s name (which seems odd), or if Melanie was the only one paying for it? Actually, have they always lived in this house? Maybe I’m remembering the remodeling that led to the Leda incident. Anyhow, Linds has put a lot of money into the house and if they separate for good, then more than likely they would have to sell the house wouldn’t they? This is odd.

Justin goes and gives Lindsay a kiss and Randy Harrison is really short! Linds says she hasn’t seen Justin since he got back from LA (I’m assuming that was four weeks ago, which? Pretty lame Justin) and Justin says he meant to call but he didn’t have her new number. Linds says he could have gotten it from Brian (or Mel, or Deb, or anyone else they know). Linds has this, “mm-hmm, you got caught sucka!” look and Justin quickly changes the subject to Gus. Where is Gus if he’s not with Melanie, not with Linds, and not in school? Now there’s a mystery for you. Linds says Gus is growing as we speak, and I completely believe that. The next time we see Gus he’ll be played by Kyle Brandt. Linds says that Gus is even starting to read. The way she says it is really odd. Like her voice thinks she should be asking a question, “He’s even started to read?” but her face is like, “no, this is not a question, it’s a statement”. Go watch it back and you’ll see what I mean. Justin notices that if you go away for a few months, everything changes, and Melanie whole-heartedly agrees.

Justin changes subjects again and tells Linds that he’s fallen hopelessly in love with her daughter. I really like this scene because there’s so much tension and Justin is right in the middle of it holding the baby. So really, the situation reflects what’s happening in their lives. Linds bought a fleece for the baby, which I thought was some sort of blanket but is really a onesie, and who calls a onesie a fleece? That’s like me saying, “Hey, I bought you a cotton today!” and pulling out a tracksuit; I hate Linds. She bought three for each of them and Mel is not pleased. Mel looks a little like an elf here, but a smokin’ hot elf so it’s a look that works for her. Linds says they have to make sure their daughter is well taken care of and Mel says that because of Linds she has to turn her daughter over to some stranger. I understand it, but I still find it odd that no one has challenged Mel’s “MY daughter” rants. I wonder if Mel considers JR only her’s, and Gus is Lindsay’s, or is she just being technical? Huh. Linds says that Michael is hardly a stranger and Mel says he might as well be, “What does he know about raising an infant? She should be with me… instead of being tossed around like some fucking football!” Man, Mya and JR should have play dates together because both of their first words are going to be Fuck and You.

Justin thinks maybe he should go, but Melanie yells at him to stay and says that they’re going to have tea! Linds says that she’ll get the tea and Mel tells her that she doesn’t live there anymore. She goes on to say that if Linds had just done what she said they wouldn’t be playing this game of “Baby Baby, Who’s Got the Baby?” and in a list of games I play, that sounds like the least fun, and the least legal. Linds uses her height as an advantage to look dooowwwnn on Mel. She surmises that none of this had to do with the baby or the custody agreement, but with Melanie not getting her way. Now I would agree with this on some levels, but it’s kind of ridiculous here. This isn’t a case, or a project she’s working on, this is her BABY. Mel has always been over bearing and over protective anyway, so if you add something like a baby to the mix it’s just wild out of control. I can see the control thing factoring in, but I don’t think that’s what this is all about. Linds disagrees with me and thinks she is correct about Melanie just wanting control, “Well tough shit!” she tells her, “You don’t so deal with it.” The sound cue guy is really on tonight because suddenly we hear the teakettle start to whistle in the background. I can imagine Melanie about to blow her lid any minute.

“Uhh, I’ll get the tea,” says Justin who I completely forgot was there. That’s some good stuff there, when you can make me completely forget about other people in the room. Well done Michelle and Thea, well done. The camera sideswipes to Justin getting the tea, but stops on Melanie’s face which is just priceless. It’s annoyed and tired and hurt all at the same time. Homegirl is doing it here, I gotta give her that. Linds’ hair is getting better, but she still looks like Skeletor.

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 3

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Homo Hater High School
We head over to what looks to be swimming practice at Hunter’s school. Ben is there and I can’t tell if he’s the one yelling or not. Is Ben a coach? Do they let parents just come in and do stuff like that? I never did swimming as a sport due to the rise in costs of black hair care. Mizani is expensive y’all and I’m not sweatin’ out my perm for no trophies. Anyhow, I think this supports my theory that Ben has no job and hasn’t told Michael about it. Seriously, when does he work? Hunter asks Ben how he did and Ben says that he was 2/10th of a second off his personal best. 2/10th of a second? Do stop watches even measure that? And how in the world is that accurate if it relies only on Ben’s sight and hand-eye coordination? Hunter is happy with his progress and replies, “Fuckin A”. I hate that crap, when people say “Fuckin’ A, man!” It just seems lazy? I don’t know, I’ve always had a revulsion to it. Hunter thinks it’s because he’s nailing those flip turns and Ben bets him $10 bucks he’ll place.
“think so?” Hunter asks.
“Know so.” Ben replies, and it’s really cute and sweet. Hunter gets out of the pool and Ben apparently checks out the kid in the next lane because he looks over there for a minute. Odd. The coach, who we’ll call Coach Gotthisjobbecausehe’sthe Director’sCousin calls everyone around and tells them they had a good practice. He tells them that with swimming like that, they should be able to hold their heads high at the meet, but cautions them to go home, get some grub, and don’t sprain anything. He points at Hunter when he says this which is cute. I was on someone’s boards the other day (if anyone remembers where this is email me and I’ll include it. I can’t find it anywhere!) and someone pointed out how we have yet to see Hunter’s forehead. I don’t know if Harris Allan has a no forehead clause in his contract but it’s really funny. It’s something I never noticed before, but now I notice it all the time. It makes Hunter scenes much more fun to watch.

Coach Director’sCousin asks the boys if their winners. For some reason I think he says Wimmers which makes me think of wieners, which makes me laugh because once again, I’m 12. Coach Director’sCousin tells the boys to put away the toys before they scrub down. What toys? Are there rubber duckies in the pool that I didn’t see? Because if so, I really regret not taking swimming now. Coach goes and talks to Ben, “Yeah, at first I had my doubts, but Hunter’s coming through gangbusters.” GANGBUSTERS! Whooo! That phrase was the inspiration for the title of my page. It’s one of those phrases that I hear all the time and never knew what it meant. I got the gist of it, I knew what context to use it in, but I never knew the background until some lovely TWoPpers filled me in. That just made my day. Anyhow, Coach Director’sCousin has this horrid bald spot and really when it gets like that, it’s time to shave. There was a guy at the hotel last night with hair like that and me and one of the valets just looked at him and stared. It was tragic.

Ben says that all Hunter needed was confidence and support and the coach adds that having a parent willing to work with him was a plus. The thing I hate about this scene is that it makes it seem like Hunter had this storyline that we’re supposed to refer back to. He didn’t. There was no, “OMG is Hunter going to quit the swim team?” drama last year or since they’ve had him. Hunter’s drama has always been of the “How do I tell my girlfriend I’m an ex-hustler with HIV?” variety. Hunter clowns around with some friends and one of them tells Hunter, “Next time you’ll be licking my toes.” Huh, kinky.

Callie comes out of nowhere and like, was she there the whole time? I assume that this is long after school so what is she doing her except tracking Hunter? Also, months have passed, have they really not talked this whole time? Bad writers! Bad continuity! You get it together! Oh, I guess Callie is a swimmer too. Yeah, that’s not convenient, looks like she picked up some of Justin’s stalking skills, or was Callie a swimmer before this? Is that how they met? I’m sorry y’all, I hated Hunter with the passion of a thousand flaming nuns so there were times that I completely blacked out his story lines. I promise I’m good on everyone else, just not him. The boys call for Hunter and tell him that they’re going and he tells them to wait up. To go to the showers? Is this the equivalent of girls going to the bathroom together? It’s oddly gay.

The Diner Formerly Known as Deb’s
Ted is trying to convince Emmett that his getting plastic surgery is really a good thing, but Emmett is way ahead of him. He has a great idea to turn Ted’s journey into a Queer Guy exclusive that ends with Ted coming on the show for the BIG REVEAL. Ted gives Emmett a look, and Em decides that maybe he’ll just go with the avocado night mask as planned. Ted tells him to stick with the guacamole and I have to agree. Besides, doesn’t he just have a couple of minutes on the air? Slow your roll Geraldo; you aren’t that big time yet.
Ted wants Em to promise him that no matter how he comes out, he’ll still love him. Emmett reassures that he never loved him for his looks to begin with. Ha! That’s hilarious, especially since they used to date. It’s odd that that never comes up. I know their romantic relationship ended badly, but I would expect someone (Brian) to make a bad joke about it. Maybe it’s just that my friends suck. Yeah, it’s probably that. Emmett is quick to clarify that there’s nothing wrong with Ted’s looks, and if this is what he wants to do, Em will be right behind him. Ted says he’s getting that done too.

Hurricane Deb blows in and pushes Emmett over. At the beginning of this scene I thought that Em had a bottle of that green chili sauce that he was going to put on his food. Then I realized that they had no food and the bottle ended up being Perrier. The fact that this greasy spoon has Perrier makes this the gayest diner ever. EVER. Just thought I’d mention that. Or maybe I’m just a hick, it’s probably more that. Deb says she was just passing by and wanted to see how things were going. She looks pretty nice here. All glowy and not too wild, I like unemployed Deb. Ted says things are going great, but he’s a little too enthusiastic about it. He quickly corrects himself and says that things aren’t the same without Deb there.

Ted changes the subject to Deb herself, and Deb says that since she’s stopped working, Carl and her have been getting plenty of exercise… If you know catch her drift!! Emmett says yeah, it drifts all the way to his room. Maybe Emmett needs to borrow Carl’s sound machine? And put it on high. And send me one. Deb says she bought herself a new warm up suit, and I had no idea QVC was selling lingerie. I don’t quite understand the mechanics of whatever it is she bought. It looks like a sling on a hanger. There’s red, and lace, and satin, and it’s really a hot mess so it’s perfect for Deb.

Rosietta comes in like a flood with food orders for the boys. She’s wearing Deb’s old vest and coloring all over Deb’s sassiness. She’s surprised to see Deb and asks when she got there. Deb, who’s more than a little flustered, says it just a couple of minutes ago. She’s about to say something else, but Rosietta tells her to hold that thought and gives the “Queer Guy a salad, and a plate of chili cheese fries and vanilla shake to the Teddy bear.” Aww, Teddy bear. My biological clock goes off at the weirdest things. Em wonders if Ted should be eating all of that and Ted says, “What goes into today gets sucked out tomorrow!” heh. I’m guessing that Deb knows nothing about Ted having work done because I’m sure she would have put the kibosh on it a long time ago. Rosietta finally asks Deb what she was saying, and Deb says she just wanted to know how things were going. A guy behind her asks Rosietta if she’s got any equal and Rosietta says, “Yeah, Wonder Woman!” and everyone dies from laughter. Uhh Ohh, looks like the Expo fairy is at work again. Let’s see what she’s trying to teach us today. We cut to a shot of Rosietta saying it’s going effing great! As I said she’s wearing the Deb vest with something weird on her pants. Her shirt says something, but I can’t read it. Darn these glasses, I need some new eyes. Rosietta asks Deb if she can get her anything. The pink plate special is cod balls which prompts Rosietta to ask what they did with the rest of the fish. My answer would have been that they probably threw it out with that joke, but the boys think it’s HILARIOUS! This scene quickly turns into the white, gay-centered ep of Comic View with foot stomping and table pounding. God these jokes are horrible. There’s something about Pete peeing in the pea soup, and any guy eating tuna there is in the wrong place, and Deb ain’t happy. Ted says that Rosietta’s a hoot, and Deb adds, “Yeah, a hoot and a half.”

Mikey’s Comic Book Store
Michael asks how “rehearsal” was and Ben corrects him by saying that it was a practice. Hunter says he kept his head down and his knees up and beat his time by 2/10ths of a second. Michael then says the most hilarious thing in this scene, “That’s awesome dude, right on! I can’t wait to come to the performance!” Sticky Keys makes a "surf’s up!" sign and says, “Totally tubular man, that would be so gnarly!” Oh Mikey, you never cease to amuse me. Mikey commences to say that he’ll be there front row center. Hunter corrects him and tells him that it’s a meet and they’re called bleachers. Heh. Mikey doesn’t care though, up until then the only thing Michael knew about swimming was watching Esther Williams movies with Deb. When I was little I used to love those movies, and I wanted to be a synchronized swimmer so badly, but I thought only white people were allowed to do it (well, it was more like my mom was poor and didn’t want to pay for it, so she told me that only white people did it, which led to me believing that only white kids could do it. I had an interesting childhood, what I can remember of it anyway). So one day I was reading a Baby Sitter’s Club book where Jessie (the black girl who was a ballerina) decided to do synchronized swimming and it changed my life. Unfortunately, by that time I was thick and clumsy so the synchro thing ended up turning into an almost drowning thing, but I’ll never forget it. Anyhoodle, Michael begins to talk about the one where she rises out of the water and sparkles come out of her head which I totally remember but can’t place right now, but he is rudely interrupted by Brian.

Ben grabs Hunter and says, “C’mon Pal, let’s go carb up.” He then leans in to kiss Michael and mouths BE NICE! Man, someone needs to fire the closed captioners because all they have on the screen are the song lyrics in the background, and the words [Inaudible Mouthing]. Well, yeah it’s inaudible, because it’s mouthing you MORONS, (if there are any captioners reading, you are not morons. You provide an invaluable service for the hearing impaired, and the recappers extraordinaire. This is just the show making StickyKeys crazy, she apologizes) take away their parking spaces; make them donate their vacation to someone who KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING! Ahem. Now where were we? Oh yeah.

Brian comes in and his hair looks odd. Like, there’s too much of it, and not enough at the same time. He asks Mikey if he can put up a sign that advertises HARD HEROES NIGHT at Babylon. Mikey questions the sign and Brian tells him it’s every superhero fantasy Mikey’s ever had come true. Michael says he doesn’t think it’s appropriate for his younger clientele. And really, if this weren’t Torontosburgh: the gayest place on earth (except in high schools and Big Qs!), I would agree, but it is Torontosburgh so really he could set it next to a Hello Kitty poster and it would still look in place. Brian asks what difference it makes since they’ll probably grow up to be fags anyway. Michael can’t argue with that and agrees to put the sign up. Brian expects Mikey to be there, but Mikey says he doesn’t think so. With work and fixing up the house, these days Ben and Michael get to bed early. Brian reminds him that it’s superheroes! “Superman on Superman action.” and that does sound hot, shoot, I’d be there! I can’t decide if Gale Harold is really tall, or if Hal Sparks is really short, but there’s like a full head between them. I want to see a line up of this cast because they are all over the board. Michael says that he’ll make Brian a deal, “I’ll come check out your new place if you come check out ours.” Brian says it’s just like when they showed each other their dicks, Mikey nods, and HA! What? What kind of answer is that? Well, it’s a Brian answer, but what made Mikey nod in agreement? That’s hilarious to me. Apparently MiBen are having the new neighbors over for dinner and want Justin and Ben to join them. Sigh. Another Michael Novotny dinner party? When will he learn? This story line is odd because it’s wholly reminiscent of the Dr Dave party that also went awry. Normally I would be mad at the writers about stealing from themselves, but I like the re-visitation because it shows Michael in a different place this time.

I hate that their trying to break Michael and Brian up because it’s really the main reason I fell in love with this show, but I also like how they’re evolving their relationship and forcing the characters to change. During the Dr. Dave fiasco, we were still at a place where Michael was completely reliant on Brian. Dr. Dave tried to break him out of that mold, even despite Brian doing everything to stop it, but he was unable to partly because of the business of his own life, but mostly because of Michael’s devotion to Brian. Michael defended Brian’s actions because he looked up to him, but now we’re in a place, 5 years later, where Michael has 2 kids, a husband, and a house, and Brian is very much the same. The thing about this is that though Brian has moved laterally, he’s always been at the top of the chart. Michael has moved up, and there was a time, maybe during the last season, where the two lines crossed, and I think both men are just now realizing it. It’s something I think about way too much as you can see.

Anyhow…Brian agrees and says he’ll bring a bottle. Michael suggests red, but Brian was talking about poppers. He gives Michael a kiss and takes his leave. You can tell Michael wants things to be better between them, but the problem is that Michael wants things to be better by his terms. We all know that Michael is a horrible communicator so I’m not sure why Michael expects Brian to be the person that he wants him to be if he doesn’t tell him. Sigh. I’m suddenly reminded of Brian’s 30th birthday when he decided to scarf and almost killed himself. Him and Mikey were on the floor and it was so touching and beautiful and there was so much love there, and now 4 years later…

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 4

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Lindsay’s Office? Where are they?
We’re in what I assume is Linds’ office, and for someone who hasn’t called for a month, Justin sure is bold to be showing her his work. I will say that Brian has THE BOMB color printer! Things like that excite me. His work looks like WASP graffiti. Like the kind you see on the side of St. Peter’s Catholic School for Boys, but instead of raging against the police and poverty, it rages against parents who just don’t understand! Lindsay says she’s always responded to the raw, unfinished quality of his work. That is probably the classiest dig I’ve ever heard in my life. I have to start using that. If I go to a restaurant and I get food that’s not thoroughly cooked, I’m going to say, “this is lovely, but I’m afraid that my stomach will respond to the raw, unfinished quality of your work.” That’s so awesome. Justin wants to know if that’s a compliment, or if Linds is letting him down easy. Linds says, “If you’re asking if you’re being considered for the Emerging Artist show? Then the answer is yes.” So, is he going to be in the show? That’s like saying, “I’m considering the option of possibly thinking about the availability of choices for our art show, and you might be eligible for possible suggestion to be included on the list.” Thanks a lot Linds. Justin thanks Linds, and there’s this awesome pause where you think that maybe Justin still doesn’t get it, but he goes on to say that he doesn’t want to take advantage of their friendship. Yeah, right. You know, I don’t have friends that work at Taco Bell for nothing; sometimes it’s good to have friends with benefits. Randy’s such a cutie here. I have to give it up to him in the looks dept for this scene. He has on this loose fitting white leather jacked that has a black and blue stripe down each sleeve, and up under the armpit to the hem of the jacket. It’s really cute.

Lindsay says she doesn’t think it’s taking advantage providing that the work is good, and they’re still friends. Justin asks why wouldn’t they be? Well I don’t know Slick, maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been back for a month and haven’t called, and when you do call, it’s to ask if Linds if she can put your “art” in a show. You ever think about that? Linds says that when couples break up friends gravitate towards one person or the other. She says she wouldn’t be surprised or hurt if Justin chose to gravitate towards Mel, then she recants and says that actually she would. I would too. Linds fought tooth and nail to get Brian to pay attention to Justin, and Mel did nothing but hurl insults, so he better choose Linds! Justin gives an awkward little, “hm” which closed captioning picked up splendidly. Good job CC, you’re on your way! Justin says he could never take sides and reminds us of how pathetic he was when he first met Brian and how Brian’s Lesbians carried him through. I remember around that time being thoroughly embarrassed for Justin, yet still in awe that he was able to completely humiliate himself and not care. He was in love dang it and he would have Brian by any means necessary! I would try that with the guy I’m stalking, but in the real world there are these things called “restraining orders” so it’s a no go for now. If it changes, I’ll let you know. Justin says that he’d never choose and that he loves them both. Linds tells him that there’s one thing her and Mel still agree on, and it’s that they both love Justin. She’s just sorry Justin had to witness their performance. Justin says that Brian and him have had some Academy Award winners themselves and we all know that to be a fact. I know it’s not really relevant, but I’m reminded of the time when Justin found out Brian had cancer so he took some soup over there. Brian was being all prickish and finally Justin threw him down and was like, “You’re sick, and I’m going to take care of you, now eat your fucking soup!” It was soo cute and hilarious. I think I became a closet B/J shipper that day, shh, don’t tell Angie Aiken! (It’s not true Angie, I promise! Meanwhile on the other side of the world, Petulante Tuk smiles and laughs, “jejejeje!”) Now that we’re done with the shout-outs in this paragraph, let’s move on.

Justin asks if Linds thinks her and Mel would ever get back together. Linds says she thought so, but now it’s just magical thinking. Justin says you never know, and he has that Michael Novotny meddle look in his eyes. God, please don’t let him be the new Michael. Linds replies with a mini critique of Justin’s art and of Justin in general, “I think we should definitely consider this one, the exuberance, the optimism…”

Deb’s House, Also in the Middle of Her Street
Emmett is on his way out to make final arrangements for a 60th anniversary party and then to the studio for Queer Guy. He points out to Deb how lucky she is to be sitting at home in her caftan instead of working all day on her feet. Deb says its heaven, and then proceeds to order the entire QVC catalogue. Emmett knows the signs of the apocalypse and asks Deb what’s wrong. She goes on this long rant about having the time of her life and almost ordering a llama, but it basically sums up to her being upset with Rosietta for stealing her act. Deb believes she’s been hustled and I can sort of see why Deb is mad, but I don’t think that’s why. Deb goes on to say that Rosietta came in all innocent and naïve and now she’s doing her act, and wearing her vest with her buttons. Now that I would be upset about because those buttons probably set her back a little bit. Especially the Big Dick one. Emmett thinks that Deb is going through withdrawal, he reminds her that it was her decision to leave and he thinks Rosietta is just carrying the torch. Emmett considers it the highest form of flattery, but Deb considers it the lowest form of imitation. That’s a fine line to walk, but I think the difference between flattery and imitation is whether the end product sucks. I would call this flattery, but just because of the source. Emmett tells her to not be angry, and to pass on the mantle with dignity, always dignity. I love Singing in the Rain so much, it’s not my favorite (that would be Good News), but it is the best movie musical ever made on earth, ever. Emmett cautions Deb against ordering the llama by saying he’s allergic. I wonder how many things I’m allergic to that I will never ever come in contact with. Like the dodo, or Britney Spears. Emmett takes his leave as Deb repeats the mantra to herself, “Dignity, always dignity.” She finishes the phrase by huffing on some Redi-whip. Dignity, eh?

Brian’s Big Butt Shower! It’s HUGE!
Justin and Brian are in the shower and it’s very cute the lengths they’re going to not to show any cock. It’s sad because my DICK SHOT count is only up to three and I expected so much more by this time. Ahh well. Justin starts the conversation by saying something’s amazing. Brian guesses, “That I’ve been soaping your crack for the past 10 minutes and you haven’t asked me to fuck you?” Well, that, and the fact that Brian and Justin would be together and MeLinds would be broken up. Can we reel back the amazement a little bit? Especially since MeLinds have been together for 10 years, and y’all have evidently been together for 4 weeks? Justin says that if MeLinds can’t make it, who can? Brian says that no one can. Justin tells him to stop being cynical and Brian insists that he’s not being cynical, he’s being
“Realistic?” Justin finishes for him.
“Do you mind if I finish my own senenses?” Brian asks. Well not at all Bri, I just thought you might not want to take time to pronounce everything so I was just helping you out. His enunciation is really weird this ep. Brian despises when couples do that. Apparently JustBri are exhibitionists since it seems Rubber Ducky has been there the whole time. Justin asks Rubber Ducky if he heard Bri said “couples”. Justin says he should quit while he’s ahead, but Brian says not before Justin gives him some. Was that sexy or creepy? It seemed a little date rapish, but the kind of date rape that you act out with your boyfriend. That’s just sick! I can’t believe I typed something as sexy as that! Moving on.

Brian sprouts a little French, and Justin says he loves “how other people’s tragic marital plight makes you romantic.” Brian corrects him and says it made him hard. Justin replies by telling Jesus he has a big boner and that is so wildly inappropriate- oh, he was talking to Brian? Okay. They have the most adorable exchange after this with Brian saying his big boner is,

“All the better-“
“To fuck me with?” finishes Justin.
Brian asks Justin, “What did I just warn you-“
“About finishing each other’s sentences?”
During this Justin gives Brian a little smack and a little bite on the chin. I absolutely love this scene because it shows Justin starting to gain some power. He’s at that point where he doesn’t have to worry about Brian leaving him or kicking him out so he’s kind of testing his boundaries. It’s really quite special and it’s great to see how much more domestic Brian is becoming because of it. Brian sprouts off some more about how marriage sucks and he’s glad him and Justin will never have to go through it. Justin’s face is priceless and all, “homo please!” about it. So cute. He’s soo short! Anyhow, they kiss all sexy and stuff, and I’m guessing Rubber Ducky is in for another show. We go from this scene of homoerotic beauty to Rosietta. Sigh, good way to kill the mood boys.

Loretta’s Land of Squalor
“Life is just a bowl of fairies?” Rosietta asks. She’s reading a shirt that Deb is dropping off to her. Where are they? I know that Rosietta got kicked out, but I don’t think she had enough to get an apartment. Maybe she’s renting a room somewhere? This is odd, do we even know where Rosietta is from? Deb says it’s one of her favorite shirts. What we know is that it was probably her least favorite shirt, otherwise it would have been the Uranus or Bust one. Rosietta thought Deb might be upset with her new look, but Deb says she loved her new look. She loved it when it was on her. Rosietta can’t do anything but chuckle, and Deb says she’s proud of Rosietta for doing such a great job at the diner. Rosietta says it’s easy when you have such a great teacher. Deb smiles and notices a suitcase on the bed. When she asks Rosietta about it, Rosietta says she’s leaving. What is up with the lack of work ethic in Torontosburgh? First Ted gets fired for looking at porn at work, then he asks for a 10 day vacation without any advance notice. Michael used to call in sick all the time so he could hang with Brian and Dr. Dave. Lindsay slept with a client. Brian’s screwed everyone except the women at his old job. Now Rosietta is just going to up and quit without two week’s notice? It seems that Rosietta has an extenuating circumstance though. Turns out her sister told her husband where she was. What kind of crap is that? I would have to be less a sister if that happened. I have creditors that I don’t tell the whereabouts of my friends to much less an emotionally abusive soon to be ex husband.

Rosietta hasn’t thought about where she’s going, but she know she can’t be there when Darrell shows up. Deb says that she can’t just leave, and that if Darrell comes “Just tell him to fuck off!” Rosietta makes it known that you do not tell Darrell Pye to “fuck off. No sir, no way, and that’s a fact!” Deb says another fact is that wherever Rosietta goes, Darrell will find her the next time too. Rosietta asks what she should do. Deb says she has another t-shirt and when Rosietta asks what that one says, Deb says it doesn’t say anything. Just has this on it. She then proceeds to give Rosietta the bird which was unintentionally hilarious to me. Like Deb was still able to say “fuck you” for all the imitation crap, and help the woman out of an abusive relationship at the same time. It was killing two stones with one bird is what it was. Rosietta looks unsure, but willing.

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 5

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Michael’s Monstrosity (Dinner Party)
This ended up being one of my favorite scenes in the episode so bear with me if I ramble. We open up on Brian at Mike’s dinner party. Some wonderful posters over at Live Journal alerted me to the sheer ugliness of the floral shirt he has on. I tend to think about Bryan either in a three-piece suit, or shirtless so I never paid attention to his shirts before, but I guess the hideousness is a pattern. It’s something else fun to watch for. It seems Mikey has invited MontEli over and Eli is talking about gardening. I have the blackest thumb in the world so I have no idea what he’s talking about. What I will mention is that MiBen have installed some blue backlighting in their see through door cupboards. I don’t think I would have went with blue, but it’s an interesting idea.

Monte says that Eli is the gardener in the family and he’s the chef. Eli says that rose bushes would look fabulous outside and after a boring lull, Michael remembers planting pansies outside with his mom. Brian says, “and look what bloomed.” Sigh, you’re going to have to do better than that in the double entendre department if you want to keep me interested QAF writers. What else you got? Monte hilariously overreacts and asks JustBri which one is the gardener and which one is the chef. Justin says he really likes cooking. I’m instantly reminded of when Justin first made gumbo and Brian’s Atlanta honey was showing Justin some tricks of the trade. It was cute because Justin made this big ol mess just so he could feed his baby. I’m glad to see that Justin’s improved in the kitchen. I’m sure Alton Brown had something to do with that. I love that man.

Brian says, “I love planting my seed in some hole.” After an awkwardness Brian clarifies that he meant in the ground. Now that’s the writing I came on board for! Thanks QAF writers! Y’all had me worried there. While Brian was talking about his penchant for pansy picking, Ben got this look on his face and looked to see what MontEli’s reaction was. It’s funny because where he didn’t really care about JR and Michael, he does care about the tension that Michael has set up by inviting everyone over at the same time. I mean really, the man knows a best selller when he sees one. Monte looks reasonable uncomfortable and I think Eli is just concentrating on getting drunk because he’s nose deep in a glass of merlot.

Eli takes a break from reenacting scenes from When a Man Loves a Woman and tells Ben that he brought them some petition. Ben says they’ll be happy to sign. MontEli explain that it’s a petition to put speed bumps in the neighborhood. Ben says that he doesn’t think Brian’s too interested in speed bumps, but Brian says on the contrary, “speed bumps are extremely important. Especially before you go out dancing.” QAF really missed the boat when they denied its viewers a peek at the Brian/Ben sex scene. I’m sure Brian would have been on the bottom (remember when Justin made Brian take it? Ha!), and that goes against everything they’ve told us that Brian is, but that would have been some serious hottness. I would watch this show for five more seasons if they had shown that. I guess only in my dreams (and apparently in fan fic).
Monte asks Brian what it is he does. Justin says he’s president and CEO of Kinetic which is apparently the biggest and bestest advertising agency in foreverest! Justin seems to have a case of scabies on his elbow because he’s scratching the crap out of it as he says this. Is that a spoiler for next week? Brian interjects that he is also the CEO and President of Babylon, the bestest gay sex, drugs, and techno bar in the world. It’s so good that it took a month to fill up after it got shut down. Yeah. Anyhow, Monte says that they haven’t been there in years. Brian invites them to come by as his personal guests.

Eli says he hardly thinks Babylon suits their lifestyle. Ben gives this, “aww, shit son” look on his face that wins him a Sticky, which is just like an Emmy only not copyrighted. I’m with you Ben, because why would you say that to the owner? I mean, on the very surface, Babylon is a dance club, so that’s not something to get your panties in a bunch about. Just make up some excuse and decline, but don’t insult the man. Michael asks if he can get anyone anything and Justin’s just sitting there soaking everything in. I like how they accept Justin as a man, but I can’t relate to it. To be 21, have a 33 year old boyfriend, and not a single friend his age, and no one seems to care? I can never get away with that crap, no matter how grown I act (which isn’t much), I always get treated like a baby. I remember once I gave an hour presentation on HIV/AIDS (I was a Red Cross Peer trainer) and how it related to the straight, black female population. It was before knowledge of “down low” was mainstream and it talked about how the disease was not just limited to homosexuals, but anyone could catch it. It was this very serious thing and very adult and I had visual aids, demonstrations, the whole shebang. Afterwards three ladies from my church came up to me and said, “Ohh, that was so adorable! You looked so cute and grown up there giving your little presentation.” Then they pinched my frickin cheeks. Sigh. I would have protested, but they took me out for ice cream and I’m a whore for cinnamon ice cream.

“Which lifestyle is that Monte?” Brian asks Eli. Monte corrects him and says, “I’m Monte.” Instead of continuing to talk to Eli, Brian turns to Monte and asks the same question. That cracked me up and I vowed to myself to do that if I ever meet and interracial gay couple with the names Monte and Eli, and you know I will. Monte says that these days they prefer to spend evenings at home with their kids which would have been a fine answer, but then stinkin Eli gets all up in the mix with, “rather than in a room full of drugged up Peter Pans.” Sigh, I know I should have said it a long time ago, and I apologize, but here it is, SHUT UP ELI! I mean God, Monte is trying to provide all of these outs for you, but you just have to keep on pouring salt on the wound.

Brian says that so many couples he’s spoken to feel that way. That’s why he’s starting Monogamous Mondays. That really has nothing to do with anything. Who was that couple in season 3 that wanted Emmett to sleep with them? They didn’t seem like the Babylon “type”, but they weren’t monogamous either. So really this whole thing is just stupid. It’s also wildly entertaining so I’ll let it go. Ben tells MontEli that Brian is a kidder with a capitol K. Eli opens his big stupid mouth again and says that he hardly thinks the promiscuous behavior that Babylon promotes is a laughing matter. He probably says the same thing about Pottery Barn. What? I know I’m not the only one who gets excited at Pottery Barn, whatever!

Brian calls their bluff and guesses that after 10 years together they’ve had to have a little extramarital ass. Justin calls Brian and closed captioning says [Inaudible Mouthing], sometimes they don’t even try because it’s clear that Justin said, “stop it”. It’s cute that Justin has the balls to do that now. Season 2 Justin would have been all, “You leave Brian alone! I love HIM!” or something of that sort. I don’t know. Eli says “no, it’s called being in a mature, loving relationship.” Brian calls it being dead. I call it being a freak in the sheets and a lady in the streets. Anyone wanna bet how many times MontEli have played date rape? Also, don’t they know that Michael writes a porno comic book? I’m guessing they don’t but it’s something interesting to think about when we see Michael get all riled up.

Michael asks Brian to help with dessert and Brian says first they should do presents. Michael says no, but we know he’s a whore for a present so he goes to open it. Ben downs some more wine and everyone at the table anxiously awaits to see what’s inside. Michael opens the lid and Brian pulls out some leather contraption.

“You bought us a sling?” Ben asks. Brian says that they told him they were furnishing a playroom, but Michael is quick to note that it wasn’t that type of playroom. Many things to note here. First, Brian can come to any party I throw ever. From poppers to leather slings, the man knows how to gift. Second, Ben immediately knew it was a leather sling. That didn’t send up any flags around the table? Third, that box is pretty big and it was sitting there the whole time. I refuse to believe that Justin and Michael didn’t peek at it. Justin has this little smile on his face like, “I hope those came two for one!”, and the rest of the table looks horny and uncomfortable. You know Ben can’t wait to set that up, but he knows it’s going to be a while before Michael calms down. Michael’s upset? You bet your sweet bippy he is, just look at him, brooding mopily in the kitchen. They have red counters so now I really don’t understand the blue backlighting in the kitchen. It looks weird, kind of like Michael.

Homo Hater High School
We open on the girls swimming and I’m guessing this heat includes Callie. Michael is bitching about Brian’s behavior and Ben tells him to get over it. They’re at a place where Ben actually cares about what’s going on so he needs Michael to shut up. I’m with him here. Callie’s parents are rooting for some girl named Kelly according to my closed captioning. I swear to God if this girl’s name has been Kelly the whole time I am going to hurt someone. Regardless, her name is Callie here dangit! Michael makes fun of Callie’s parents and Ben appropriately tells him to be quiet. Michael has some nerve talking about embarrassing parents, but whatever. The girls get out of the pool and they announce the boys’ 50-meter freestyle. Michael gets adorably excited the race begins. Michael is all “Go Hunter! Go Go GO!” and Ben is all, “C’mon Pally!” It’s so funny and old of him when he says “Pal!” It cracks me up every time. Hunter wins and Michael’s all, “Hunter won. Go Hunter!” while Callie’s parents look all constipated.

Hunter is slow to emerge from the pool and Callie asks if he’s okay. He has his hand up to his head and blood starts to drip into the pool. It seems Hunter hit his head on the last leg of his race. MiBen run to aid Hunter and Callie jumps in for no plausible reason other than to set up the scene where her parents freak out and yell that Hunter has AIDS. Which was not only cold-blooded, but also infactual. AIDS and HIV are not the same thing. You can live with HIV, AIDS will kill you . There’s a difference and while that wouldn’t have had a whole lot of impact here, it is very important to note. Regardless, Callie’s dad, while obviously scared for his daughter, was completely in the wrong. He didn’t yell that out to help anyone but his daughter. It wasn’t a “be careful around Hunter because he has HIV” thing as much as it was a “hurry up and get my daughter away from the carrier!” thing. He’s so going to hell for that, I hope they get him back later in the season. They should give him herpes, which you could probably get more easily than HIV in a chlorinated pool. Jerk.

The coach orders everyone out of the pool, which I think was just a precautionary thing of not crowding the injured, and not a “get away from the HIV!” thing. The coach has been pretty cool despite his hair so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. MiBen pull Hunter out of the pool and escort him out to take him to the hospital. Everyone is quiet and staring and poor Hunter looks like he’s about to cry. I just want to reach in and give him a hug. Good Lord and I starting to like Hunter? It won’t last. Poor, precious boo-boo.

Extreme Makeover: Ted Edition
I didn’t know that gay plastic surgery was such an up and coming market. I mean, for them to have gay plastic surgeon ads and magazines. Emmett is flipping though such a magazine and pointing out the various body parts he likes. He’s partial to one guy’s nose, but goes crazy for another guy’s cheeks. “Teddy, if you don’t get these, I will. What do you think?” Teddy thinks he’s going to puke. Emmett warned him about eating all of that food at the diner the day before. Ted isn’t talking about that though, he’s talking about the surgery. He says he looks like a cow in the butcher shop. My mom recently went and bought half a cow. That really has nothing to do with anything except to say that it freaked me right out. It was tasty, but freaky. He turns to the camera and we see his face all marked up with instructions for the surgery. He looks like a gellical cat. What’s a gellical cat you ask? Well a gellical cat can and gellical cats do! Sorry, I watched Broadway’s greatest hits, and that was on there along with Memories. Interesting fact, I never knew who Betty Buckley was until OZ, and then later I found out she was in Cats. Same with Patti Lupone, I had no idea about her being born to play Evita until after Oz. It really just confirmed that Tom Fontana is the 2nd gayest man ever for putting Broadway divas in a prison drama. I’ll let you figure out who the first is.

Emmett tells Ted not to worry, and once he sees the reveal he’ll be fine. They take this moment to role a moaning man by on a gurney and Ted gets some pre-op jitters. He’s never had surgery before, everything is still intact including his appendix, his tonsils, his wisdom teeth and foreskin. Have we always known that Ted was Jewish? I’m sure it came up during a time that I didn’t care about Ted, but it seems like an interesting development. Do you think it says anything that of the two Jewish characters on the show, one is a lawyer and the other is an accountant? Huh. Emmett says, “Pish, it’s nothing.” Ted says that Emmett can “Pish” all he wants and that he’s not the one who’s about to go through excruciating pain for a new him. Ted wonders if he’ll even like the new him. Emmett asks what’s not to like? He’ll have a 30-inch waist, crow’s feet that have flown the coop, and cheekbones to die for. Ted says he didn’t get cheekbones, but wonders if he should have. I say yes. Ted thinks that the owner of a discothèque for drugged up Peter Pan’s was correct in his assumption that the quest for beauty is shallow and narcissistic.

Emmett thankfully cuts him off by proclaiming, “We’re fags for chrissake. Being obsessed with youth and beauty is our God given right!” Ted asks if he should pull out and Emmett asks if he’s seriously asking him that question. I’m not sure if that was a sex joke, but it is now. Heh. Emmett goes on to say that for as long as he’s known Ted he’s never been happy with himself. He says that if it takes a few snips and clips is what it takes for Teddy to be able to look into a mirror and smile, then it’s not superficial and shallow. I have my own thoughts about this, but they’re long, boring, and contradict each other which isn’t unlike most of these recaps, but it’s just not the right venue. Ted thanks Emmett and goes out to the operating room with his little booty in full display. It’s very cute and all he needs is some toning if he wanted to. The sad thing is that Ted is not a hideous guy. If he weren’t so self-deprecating he’d be a catch. I would ask why he just doesn’t have a better outlook on life, but once again, Ted=Me so we’ll let him be.

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 6

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Mel’s Mini Mart Mansion
Melanie is making a check list of things to take over to Michael’s for JR. They’ve named the Create-A-Bear, Boo Boo Bear, which I think is a nice choice. Melanie can’t find the lotion but locates it on the kitchen counter. Linds remarks that there’s enough there for a nudist colony which is oddly humorous to me. Not necessarily that she said nudist, but that she’s familiar with their lotioning techniques? I don’t know, my mind is weird. I’m sure if you were to look inside it you would see Carl Rudolph Stargher all scared and freaked out. Melanie says you can never be too prepared and Linds says that was spoken like a true scout. Linds' knowledge of Boy Scouts and nudists colony is intriguing to me for some reason. Mel gives her a look and Linds clarifies that it was a joke. Linds won’t be on Def Comedy Jam anytime soon is all I can say about that. Melanie says that all she needs to do now is express her milk. Linds asks when Michael will pick JR up and Mel uncomfortably says the next day.

Linds tries to offer comfort, but Mel ain’t havin’ it. She says that Michael better know what he’s doing, and Linds assures her that they’ll find out. That’s not the best assurance. It’s like asking, “If there’s an earth quake will we get crushed to death?” and then hearing, “We’ll find out.” as the answer. It’s the truth, but it’s not too uplifting is all. Lindsay offers to let Gus spend the night and Mel says she doesn’t want Linds’ pity, but Linds insists she was being grateful. I like the “versus” in this ep. Imitation vs. flattery; being a realist vs. being a cynic; and now pity vs. graciousness. I like that it’s two things that are very closely related, but also so different in so many ways. It’s kind of a play on what this show is supposed to represent. How gay and straight are very similar, but there are a few key things that make the situations they deal with occur differently. Not to say that it’s gay vs. straight, but more of preconceived notions vs. stereotypes. Because they’re not the same thing but they are very close. I may expand on that one day, but it’s kind of along the same lines as my plastic surgery thoughts, boring and confusing.

Melanie still blames Lindsay about the Michael thing, which I think adds fuel to my claim that any arrangement between Linds and Mel would not include overnights because JR is Mel’s daughter, and Mel only. Lindsay gets fed up and tells Gus it’s time to go. She turns back and tells Mel that she hopes it goes well, “despite what you think.” Ooh, another classy burn. Linds should teach a class on that, maybe if she charged next time she could hire her own lawyer and leave Mikey and Brian alone.

I love how at the end of the scene Linds is trying to get Gus to leave and he’s all, “I don’t want to go!” It’s not only very realistic, but I wonder if it’s a catalyst to MeLinds getting back together? Kids are powerful that way sometimes. We’ll see.

MiBen’s Mini-Maze
I don’t understand the layout of MiBen’s house. There seem to be an infinite number of doors and why in the world did they keep that old, busted refrigerator? I swear these guy need to Kinney-ize their place and quickly. It took Hunter 2 ½ hours of waiting in the emergency room to get a band aid and it turns out he has a concussion from the impact. Michael tells him to go upstairs and relax, but Hunter is too riled up. He insists there’s nothing wrong with him except, “That thanks to Callie’s asshole father and cunt mother-“ Michael cuts him off with a prompt, “Hey!” I find this hilarious because I just got done reading an article about how cunt is the worst thing a guy can say about a woman. I think that bitch is worse than cunt. I’m very odd about cuss words because in the real world I don’t cuss at all. Not even in Bible scriptures because it makes me feel all rude and dirty. The odd thing is that I didn’t learn cunt as a swear, or bastard (actually, I had Arnold Schwarzenegger’s horrid enunciation to blame for that, but that’s an entirely different story). So I said it all the time until one day someone was like, “that’s horrible!” and I was like, “oh”. And that’s why it’s funny to me. I swear I worry myself sometimes so I can only imagine how you feel. Anyhow, Hunter says that thanks to them the whole school thinks he has AIDS. Ben is quick to point out that he has HIV, not AIDS.

Hunter says not to tell him, but to tell his school chums who really, being in the gayest city on the continent, should already have had HIV/AIDS education training, but whatever. It doesn’t matter apparently since Hunter dramatically informs them that, “I’m never going back there.” Okay then. Ben tells Hunter he has nothing to be ashamed of and watching Harris Allan’s acting I would disagree, but that’s not helping anyone right now. Ben says that he talked to Coach Director’sCousin and he was going to explain to everyone that you couldn’t get the virus by a few drops of blood in a chlorinated pool. Hey! That’s what I said! I swear I thought about that before watching this scene. Michael tells him he can take the day off tomorrow, but sooner or later he’s going to have to go back. Ben agrees and says that when he goes back he can tell them that he’s going to be the 50-meter free style champion. I really like Ben in this scene because this fight isn’t just for Hunter, but for him too. But he’s not living through Hunter in a scary Showdog Moms and Dads kind of way, but in a “look at all the things you can do that you never thought you could” kind of way. It’s a very nice choice.

Babylon: Before Hours
We cut to men in costumes flying around and I’m really wishing I had saved my Cirque du So Gay joke for this week, but I had no way of knowing people. It’s of no consequence though, I believe fully in reducing, reusing, and recycling. So we open up on Cirque deux So Gay, but it’s not as elegant as the real thing, and Brian ain’t happy about it. He explains to Justin that they’re supposed to be flying magnificently through the air like super heroes and not like, “two crash test dummies at a Hyundai factory!” Why Hyundai? Huh. Justin says it looks pretty good, but Brian says it’s not good enough. He wants Michael to see it and lose his mind, his breath, and his bladder control. Justin asks if it’s to get Michael to come running back to Babylon where he belongs. Brian goes on this long diatribe about how gay men shouldn’t sleep on tulip bumps and gay people should go to Africa and howl at the moon in the jungle. Okay, he really doesn’t say any of that, but he might as well have because it makes about as much sense as what he really does say which amounts to “Come home Mikey!” I will point out that Brian says the word, “Rassicily” which closed captioning says is “Restlessly”. I don’t know if that’s an accent popping out there, or yet another reason Gale Harold should be limited in lines. Has anyone ever seen him give an entire interview? It’s a little scary. Like you want to believe that he has the ability to form a complete sentence, he just doesn’t want to, but then, you’re not so sure if maybe he can’t? If anyone has the DVD’s watch the interviews with him, they’re surreal.

Brian yells at the rapellers a little more telling them to get it right. What I like about this is that it really has little with wanting Michael to be a club boy that wanting Michael to be his. I think Brian realizes that sexually Michael isn’t his type, but spiritually he’s his match. He’s his lobster if you will. You know that ep of Friends where Phoebe was talking about how lobsters mate for life and how Ross and Rachel were each other’s lobsters? I think that applies here. Brian can’t offer stability because Michael has that in Ben, but what Bri can offer is fun and excitement. He thinks that if he reels Mikey in with that, then he won’t be forgotten and left alone, but I don’t think Brian realizes how much all of this is actually alienating Mike. It goes back to what I said before about them having to break down and completely reevaluate their relationship. In the time of Dr. Dave this would have worked flawlessly, but Michael is a different person now. In a way at least, or maybe he’s just an extension of who he really is and that extension happens to be the stable, suburban Michael?

Rosietta’s New Lease on Life Diner
Rosietta needs some more mac and cheese and turkey meatloaf. She’s wearing the fairies shirt that Deb got her, and delivering food. A voice behind her says, “Excuse me ma’m, but aren’t you going to take my order?” Rosietta looks understandably worried and turns to see Darrell Pye, the homophobic Guy! Sorry, I’ve been trying to make a Pye joke since Rosie showed up and nothing! So I’m taking what I can get. Rosietta hands off some food to a guy that claims he didn’t order it. Rosietta says try it and he’ll like it. That’s why they don’t let peanuts on planes anymore. Darrell is there to apologize for their “little spat” and then asks Rosietta how her jaw is. I completely missed that the first time around! Her jaw? That’s not a little spat, that’s domestic abuse! God! Rosietta says that she can chew the Salisbury steak at the diner so it’s okay. I’m going to need her to report him to the cops. Or I will. I don’t care that he’s fictional, he needs to be dealt with.

Darrell tells Rosietta that it’s time to come home. She begins to say something, but he cuts her off and tells her she doesn’t need to apologize and that he forgives her. “You forgive me?” Rosietta asks. This would be more touching if Rosie didn’t look so confused. It’s like she forgot her lines, or maybe forgot the way to say them and it’s very awkward. Normally that makes the scene work, but here it seems too calculated. Darrell says he’ll forget all about what happened, but Rosietta says she doesn’t want to forget and she’s not going back home. Darrell decides to abandon the nice easygoing route and decides to go the mean abusive route. The saddest part about that is that you know it’s worked before, and in most cases it will work again. If you can make a person feel bad enough about themselves you can make them do anything. It’s very sad in life and very sad here as well. Darrell calls her pitiful and asks what she’s trying to prove by working in some “fag” diner to be independent. He wants to know if she thinks she can live without a man, is she a lezzie? Rosietta says that she is in fact a lesbian, and she’s not ashamed. See? I told you the spoon thing was homosexual, I’m glad she finally admitted to it. Darrell says she aught to be ashamed of it and that her problem is that she just hasn’t had it good in a while. He promises to fix it, but Rosietta wisely chooses differently. Darrell is a man’s man and doesn’t like women to make decisions as much as just do what he says so he grabs Rosietta by the neck and tells her that their going. The interesting part about this is that he probably doesn’t even want her. The search for power by those who will never possess it, but long for it, is often fruitless and damaging. It’s quite sad seeing it in action much less on TV. Deb slams a bat on the counter causing Darrell to turn around.

“Exactly what part of Fuck Off don’t you understand?” Darrell asks who Deb is and Deb hilariously and nonchalantly replies, “I’m the one with the baseball bat.” Darrell insists it’s between him and his wife, but Deb informs him that she’s trying to tell him something that he’s not getting through his head and maybe her friend Mr. Baseball Bat could help him out. I love the role that inanimate objects have played in this ep. From voyeur Rubber Ducky, to Boo Boo Bear, to the leather sling of lust, and now Baseball Bat, they’ve all played very important parts. I think that they are having the Best Week Ever. Darrell tries to pull Rosietta away but she resists and tells him that she changed her mind and she don’t love him no more. Deb hopes that this time the message got through and then tells Darrell to get out before her and her fag friends beat the living shit out of him. I love how all of a sudden there are like 3 leather bikers in the diner. I bet Deb hired them to come in as back up. I’m going blind I think because I cannot figure out what’s orange and yellow on Rosietta’s pants. It’s very distracting and causes my eyes to hover around her lady parts. This causes really awkward looks from my friends. Not because it’s lesbian, if it were Angelina “smokin hot” Jolie there would be no problem, it’s just because it’s Rosie. And I completely understand.

Darrell takes his leave and finally Rosietta exhales.

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 7

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

Homo Hater High School
Hunter is walking down the hall of his school to his locker and getting lots of looks from fellow classmates. The begininng of this scene is unintentionally hilarious because of the league of overacting black SAG members in the background. They stare at Hunter with no shame; they WILL be on camera! Callie comes into the shot, which should be their cue to calm what we call, the fuck down, but it’s to no avail. There is no force that can tame the overacting black. They are outraged by Hunter’s presence, and will express their outrage through mime!

Callie asks how Hunter is and Hunter says he’s fine. She says she’s sorry and Hunter says it’s not her fault that he expected no one to ever find out. Some guys come up, I think they’re Hunter’s swim buddies, which makes this utterly ridiculous, and tell Callie not to waste her time since he’s a fag. The other kid says he heard that Hunter got AIDS for letting old geezers fuck him up the ass for cash. Well I should hope it should be for cash, but that’s neither here nor there. Hunter thinks that Callie told and she swears she didn’t. I’m guessing she told her parents, or Ben and Michael did, but it’s still really messed up. The Chris Hobbs of the season (who, I might add, was smokin’ hot last season, even when crying like a baby. I don’t care what you say!) offers Hunter $5 to suck his cock. Shoot, I charge more than that. You’d think at a WASPy high school like this, they would have a sense of inflation. Hunter confirms that prices are indeed on the rise, especially for assholes like Chris Hobbs part deux. Chris Hobbs part deux is about to punch Hunter and Hunter dares him get his blood all over him and get AIDS. Some people took issue with this, but I think that if it was to get him out of a potentially harmful situation, it was worth it. While HIV and AIDS are two different things, the fact still remains that they are scary and very similar. While the stigma around people with AIDS isn’t exactly the same as it was 10 years ago, it hasn’t developed enough for people to truly see the difference between HIV and AIDS. My point, I think he did what he had to do. See what this has brought me to? I’m sticking up for frickin Hunter. Chris Hobbs part deux calls Hunter a faggot and walks off.

Callie asks Hunter if he’s okay and he gives her this pained _expression. It’s great because he is really acting the hell out of this scene. His eyes turn red and tear up and he kind of shakes his head and then he takes off down the hall. He’s walking and then he just can’t take it anymore and starts running down the hall. His hair is just flopping and it’s really great and heartbreaking. Goodness, he really needs to do something annoying soon because all of this Hunter love is starting to worry me. I know he won’t let me down.

Ted – Post Op
We open on a picture of a smokin hot guy and oh my goodness it’s Ted. Photoshop is doing its thang tonight! He’s got the perfect waist, that’s lean, but still a little meaty for chewing. I just revealed way too much about myself didn’t I? Oh well. They look like the ads Brian had earlier, and there he is saying, “I’m sorry, but I can’t promise you Schmidt, he’s the hottest guy in town, even I wanna fuck him.” So we all know this is a dream right? It is indeed and we see the reflection of Brian in Ted’s eye. Brian says “Ted” a couple of times and Ted tells Brian, “Sorry, you can’t have me.” It ends up being Emmett and there’s this great shot where his pupil dilates to show Em. We even get the red spots around Ted’s lids where surgery was done. If they did work on his eyelids, wouldn’t his eyes be completely covered? Other than that, it’s very nicely done.

Emmett asks Ted how he feels and Ted says he feels like he was hit by a bus and left for dead, and then trampled by an elephant. That sucks. That’s one of those things that you don’t have to experience to know is bad. Ted asks how he looks and Emmett replies a tad puffy, but the doctor said to give it a few days and he’ll be gorgeous. I completely believe that the doctor said that verbatim. I don’t know why, but it seems like something Ted’s doctor would do. Ted thanks Em for seeing him through this and Em says, “Please, when I pull my Joan Rivers, you’ll be right there with me.” Joan Rivers looks more and more like Norma Desmond every day. Emmett tells Teddy to lie there and rest, and to remember no peeking. Why do they even put mirrors in those rooms? Emmett chooses this time to take his leave and Ted sees the opportunity to, of course, do a little peeping.

We cut from bandage eye view to regular view and see Ted struggle to get up to go peek at himself. He’s making some pretty grody painful noises, and I thought he had his butt and stomach done too? Why don’t they have more nurses around this place? Ted sees himself and proceeds to freak the heck out. I hate that part because it was done primarily for comic relief. First of all, all he saw were bandages, how did he not expect that? Secondly, hasn’t he ever watched a medical show ever? At least MTV’s I Want a Famous Face. My mom had breast cancer in both breasts (cancer sucks) and had to have them both removed. The doctors completely botched the reconstruction and then her insurance changed at the end of the year and no longer covered the procedure. It’s really sucky, but the point is that she’s been watching shows to find a doctor that will be able to help her. Basically, I need Ted to do some research. Don’t they have manuals of what to expect? This scene is just very stupid to me. Oh well, it was short so I can’t complain too much.

Woody’s, Yeah it’s Probably Woody’s
Rosietta and Deb are at Woody having drinks. At least I think it’s Woody’s. There seems to be exactly 4 gay bars in Torontosburgh. The lez bar from way back in season 1, Woody’s, the newly discovered Poppers, and Babylon. So by process of elimination, I’m guessing this is Woody’s. Rosietta asks Deb if Deb saw Darrell’s face. Deb says he was pissed as hell, which is what she’s going to be if she has another shot. So of course Rosietta orders another shot. Rosietta really knows how to reel them in huh? Icing spoons and liquor, I can see it being a winning combination. An interesting story about “pissed”. I was watching one of the two best gay films ever Beautiful Thing (the other is Lillies, and is highly recommended) and they kept saying things like, “I’m pissed” or “I’m going to get pissed.” and they were saying it at times they weren’t particularly upset about anything. I was doing a search for a clip of the kissing scene in the forest and I came upon a guide of British slang for American viewers of Beautiful Thing, and I found out that pissed meant drunk. So I learned, and I was entertained. That should be the goal of every other movie.

Deb tells Rosietta that she’s proud of her and Rosietta says she could have never done it without Deb and her big bat. Deb guesses the bat was bigger than Darrell’s uh “bat”, and Rosie says “you better believe it!”, and I should hope so! That would take a lot of yoga to house Mr. Baseball Bat is all I’m saying. Deb tells Rosietta that she never has to be afraid of him anymore. Rosietta says she doesn’t know how she can repay Deb. She tells Deb, “first you give me a new life, and then you save it.” That’s very sweet and it warmed the cockles of my heart. Deb says that Rosietta owes her nothing, but there is something she owes herself, and that’s happiness. Deb says she deserves it, and Rosietta says she wants someone to share it with.

Deb decides it’s time to take her leave and Rosietta agrees saying she has the early shift at the diner. Deb tells her that when she’s opening the diner to think of Deb in bed. I don’t quite get the point of that statement except to have Rosietta say “I will” in a weird stalkerish manner. They hug and Rosietta gives Deb a big kiss right on the lips. You know, all this time I knew that Rosie was gay, but for some reason the thought of her kissing another woman never appeared to me. Strange. Deb looks perplexed and Rosietta says, “I love you.” Deb is funnily drunk and kind of shakes it off. “You too, bye!” She stumbles off her stool and leaves Rosietta to bask in her newfound sexuality. Man, Rosietta really knows how to pick them doesn’t she? First a housewife with three kids, and now a woman with a live in boyfriend, methinks Rosietta likes the life of danger.

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Dignity, Almost Always Dignity: QAF Recap 504 06-05-05 Page 8

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 504 Aired 6-05-05

MiBen’s Mini-Maze of a Mans
Mel goes over the list of things she brought for JR including a blanket. Michael says they have a blanket, but Mel insists they use the one she bought. JR has slept with it every night since she was born. Turns out it was an antique that Linds bought for her. Umm, okay? Thanks for all that useless info, it’s not like I was trying to remember anything important. Mel is wearing a gorgeous black jacket with yellow stripes down the sleeves. Stripes are another thing that can be added to my list of awesome inanimate objects. Mel is prattling down the list of stuff to do and is really hesitant to hand JR over. Finally she does and JR starts to fuss a little bit. It really is heartbreaking. Just hearing a baby cry in general, but for it to be your baby has got to just kill. I went to go see Mr. & Mrs. Smith (which, totally frickin awesome!) and someone had their baby in there and of course the baby started to cry. The woman was really upset about it, but I think that had more to do with people cussing her out and telling her to take her baby outside before they beat her down. This was in a white theater too. Rocked my world.

Babylon f. Botton Boy and Buttman!
We open on chaos at Babylon! There are lights and badly dancing superheroes and of course our lovely H!DGB. They are doing it up and everyone is having fun, fun, fun, everyone that is except one Mr. Brian Kinney. He’s standing on the balcony and surveying the area for the Zephyr to his Rage. Mikey, however, is nowhere to be found. You know, as much as I bag on the closed captioners, they are really doing their job when it comes to the music lyrics. I can’t understand half of what the lady in the background is saying, but the captioners are getting every word! The thing that sucks is that most times they’ve captioned the music instead of the dialog, and really with lyrics like “The bass is thumpa thumpa! This joint is thumpa thumpa!” you have to wonder, why? Ah well, the thumpa thumpa of Babylon carries us to the thumpa thumpa of Mel’s heart. At least it would, but Mel’s heart is broken. You know, there’s got to come a time when you accept that things are not going to change in the near future. If Mel had any tact or patience, and Michael had any sense, and Linds would just get her hair cut, none of this would have ever happened. Mel’s not thinking about that now (well, she’s probably thinking about Linds’ hair, just to add to the pain), she’s sitting alone, crying and thinking about her baby girl. It really is cruel to take a baby from its mother so quickly, but once again, it was totally preventable, and it’s not like she’s never going to see the kid again, but I still feel for Mel. I can’t imagine anyone ever doing that to me.

We do a quick cut from Melanie back to Babylon, and then to a cutie shot of JR wide awake in her crib. That kid ain’t going down anytime soon! Ben looks at JR adorably, and Michael gives a little wave and has this look on his face that’s supposed to be happiness and relief, but it comes off a little, “So… what next?” It’s really cute. We cut back to Brian getting pissed (both ways) at the bar and Justin looks at him sympathetically. “He might still come?” Justin offers, and it seems a little snotty, a little “told you so”-ish. I don’t know if that was intentional or not, and I can’t decide what to think about it. I either like Justin a little bit, or dislike Randy a lot. Brian says to eff him, there will be more superheroes for them. They start dancing and we end on a club shot full of people dancing. Whoever was casting the extras for this needs to be reprimanded. It looks like Kevin James and Anwar Robinson are doing the gayest Macarena ever. What a fitting ending to this ep.

Next Week on QAF:
Brian has an STD, or DOES he!?
Hunter will not be forced out of his school, or WILL he!?
Rosietta loves Deb, but does Deb want to lick her icing spoon?!
JR is sick and in the hospital during Michael’s time.
Linds rocks the Carrie Underhair and make a big decision!

We end with an HIV/AIDS Common PSA. I hate this PSA, it’s so beyond wack. I just want to run over both of the people holding pinkies and riding bikes. I love Common though. Knowing is beautiful and so is Common, but only with a hat.

Big shout-out to Jewel over at Openly Clay! And whoever linked me at, thanks! Email me so I can give proper credit!

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